rillig dcd4b12bb3 pkgtools/pkglint: update to 20.2.1
Changes since 20.2.0:

Don't warn about a possibly redundant PKGNAME=${DISTNAME} assignment if
PKGNAME is defined somewhere else in the package Makefile.

Warn if NO_CONFIGURE=yes and REPLACE_* are combined.

Suggest to replace ${VAR:@l@-l${l}@} with the simpler ${VAR:S,^,-l,},
as well as ${VAR:@l@${l}suffix@} with the simpler ${VAR:=suffix}.

Allow lua in CATEGORIES.
2020-07-01 13:17:41 +00:00

274 lines
6 KiB

package pkglint
import "fmt"
func parseShellProgram(line *Line, program string) (*MkShList, error) {
if trace.Tracing {
defer trace.Call(program)()
tokens, rest := splitIntoShellTokens(line, program)
lexer := NewShellLexer(tokens, rest)
parser := shyyParserImpl{}
zeroMeansSuccess := parser.Parse(lexer)
switch {
case zeroMeansSuccess == 0 && lexer.error == "":
return lexer.result, nil
case zeroMeansSuccess == 0:
return nil, fmt.Errorf("splitIntoShellTokens couldn't parse %q", rest)
return nil, &ParseError{append([]string{lexer.current}, lexer.remaining...)}
type ParseError struct {
RemainingTokens []string
func (e *ParseError) Error() string {
return sprintf("parse error at %#v", e.RemainingTokens)
// ShellLexer categorizes tokens for shell commands, providing
// the lexer required by the yacc-generated parser.
// The main work of tokenizing is done in ShellTokenizer though.
// Example:
// while :; do var=$$other; done
// =>
// while
// space " "
// word ":"
// semicolon
// space " "
// do
// space " "
// assign "var=$$other"
// semicolon
// space " "
// done
// See splitIntoShellTokens and ShellTokenizer.
type ShellLexer struct {
current string
ioRedirect string
remaining []string
atCommandStart bool
sinceFor int
sinceCase int
inCasePattern bool // true inside (pattern1|pattern2|pattern3); works only for simple cases
error string
result *MkShList
func NewShellLexer(tokens []string, rest string) *ShellLexer {
return &ShellLexer{
remaining: tokens,
atCommandStart: true,
error: rest}
func (lex *ShellLexer) Lex(lval *shyySymType) (ttype int) {
if len(lex.remaining) == 0 {
return 0
if trace.Tracing {
defer func() {
if ttype == 0 {
trace.Stepf("lex EOF because of a comment")
tname := shyyTokname(shyyTok2[ttype-shyyPrivate])
switch ttype {
trace.Stepf("lex %v %q", tname, lval.Word.MkText)
case tkIO_NUMBER:
trace.Stepf("lex %v %v", tname, lval.IONum)
trace.Stepf("lex %v", tname)
token := lex.ioRedirect
lex.ioRedirect = ""
if token == "" {
token = lex.remaining[0]
lex.current = token
lex.remaining = lex.remaining[1:]
switch token {
case ";":
lex.atCommandStart = true
return tkSEMI
case ";;":
lex.atCommandStart = true
lex.inCasePattern = true
return tkSEMISEMI
case "\n":
lex.atCommandStart = true
return tkNEWLINE
case "&":
lex.atCommandStart = true
case "|":
lex.atCommandStart = !lex.inCasePattern
return tkPIPE
case "(":
lex.atCommandStart = !lex.inCasePattern
return tkLPAREN
case ")":
lex.atCommandStart = true
lex.inCasePattern = false
return tkRPAREN
case "&&":
lex.atCommandStart = true
return tkAND
case "||":
lex.atCommandStart = true
return tkOR
case ">":
lex.atCommandStart = false
return tkGT
case ">&":
lex.atCommandStart = false
return tkGTAND
case "<":
lex.atCommandStart = false
return tkLT
case "<&":
lex.atCommandStart = false
return tkLTAND
case "<>":
lex.atCommandStart = false
return tkLTGT
case ">>":
lex.atCommandStart = false
return tkGTGT
case "<<":
lex.atCommandStart = false
return tkLTLT
case "<<-":
lex.atCommandStart = false
return tkLTLTDASH
case ">|":
lex.atCommandStart = false
return tkGTPIPE
if m, fdstr, op := match2(token, `^(\d+)(<<-|<<|<>|<&|>>|>&|>\||<|>)$`); m {
fd := toInt(fdstr, -1)
lval.IONum = fd
lex.ioRedirect = op
return tkIO_NUMBER
if lex.atCommandStart {
lex.sinceCase = -1
lex.sinceFor = -1
switch token {
case "if":
return tkIF
case "then":
return tkTHEN
case "elif":
return tkELIF
case "else":
return tkELSE
case "fi":
return tkFI
case "for":
lex.atCommandStart = false
lex.sinceFor = 0
return tkFOR
case "while":
return tkWHILE
case "until":
return tkUNTIL
case "do":
return tkDO
case "done":
// lex.atCommandStart must stay true here because further "done" or "fi"
// may follow directly, without any semicolon.
// Ideally lex.atCommandStart would be a tri-state variable: yes, no, partly.
return tkDONE
case "in":
lex.atCommandStart = false
return tkIN
case "case":
lex.atCommandStart = false
lex.sinceCase = 0
return tkCASE
case "{":
return tkLBRACE
case "}":
// See the comment at the "done" case above.
return tkRBRACE
case "!":
return tkEXCLAM
if lex.sinceFor >= 0 {
if lex.sinceCase >= 0 {
switch {
case lex.sinceFor == 2 && token == "in":
ttype = tkIN
lex.atCommandStart = false
case lex.sinceFor == 2 && token == "do":
ttype = tkDO
lex.atCommandStart = true
case lex.sinceCase == 2 && token == "in":
ttype = tkIN
lex.atCommandStart = false
lex.inCasePattern = true
case (lex.atCommandStart || lex.sinceCase == 3) && token == "esac":
ttype = tkESAC
lex.atCommandStart = false
case lex.atCommandStart && matches(token, `^[A-Za-z_]\w*=`):
p := NewShTokenizer(nil, token)
lval.Word = p.ShToken()
case hasPrefix(token, "#"):
// This doesn't work for multiline shell programs.
// Since pkglint only processes single lines, that's ok.
return 0
ttype = tkWORD
p := NewShTokenizer(nil, token)
lval.Word = p.ShToken()
lex.atCommandStart = false
// Inside of a case statement, ${PATTERNS:@p@ (${p}) continue ;; @} expands to
// a list of case-items, and after this list a new command starts.
// This is necessary to return a following "esac" as tkESAC instead of a
// simple word.
if lex.sinceCase >= 0 && len(lval.Word.Atoms) == 1 {
if varUse := lval.Word.Atoms[0].VarUse(); varUse != nil {
if len(varUse.modifiers) > 0 {
lastModifier := varUse.modifiers[len(varUse.modifiers)-1]
if lastModifier.HasPrefix("@") || lastModifier.HasPrefix("=") {
lex.atCommandStart = true
return ttype
func (lex *ShellLexer) Error(s string) {
lex.error = s