rillig 2fe3b9fc38 pkgtools/pkglint: update to 19.4.1
Changes since 19.4.0:

The notes for inserting an empty line have been changed from "insert
after this line" to "insert before this line" to make the line numbers
in the diagnostics contiguous. There had been several places where the
diagnostics went from line 1 to line 2 and then back to line 1, which
was confusing.

The lines in ALTERNATIVES files are checked for trailing whitespace.
This is only for consistency with the other checks. In the whole pkgsrc
tree all ALTERNATIVES files are already fine.

The diagnostics for comments in .endif/.endfor lines that don't
correspond to their .if/.elif/.for counterparts now includes the exact
line number of the corresponding condition, to make the warning easier
to fix.

The diagnostics for wrong variable value alignment now mention the
current column in addition to the desired column, to make it easier to
see by how much and in which direction the indentation should be fixed.

Variables that are used in conditions before they are actually defined
need the :U modifier.
2020-01-04 19:53:13 +00:00

328 lines
12 KiB

package pkglint
import (
// Path returns a representation of the path in the AST that is
// currently visited.
// It is used for debugging only.
// See Test_MkShWalker_Walk, Callback.SimpleCommand for examples.
// TODO: Move to test file.
func (w *MkShWalker) Path() string {
var path []string
for _, level := range w.Context {
elementType := reflect.TypeOf(level.Element)
typeName := elementType.Elem().Name()
if typeName == "" {
typeName = "[]" + elementType.Elem().Elem().Name()
abbreviated := strings.TrimPrefix(typeName, "MkSh")
if level.Index == -1 {
// TODO: This form should also be used if index == 0 and len == 1.
path = append(path, abbreviated)
} else {
path = append(path, sprintf("%s[%d]", abbreviated, level.Index))
return strings.Join(path, ".")
func (s *Suite) Test_MkShWalker_Walk(c *check.C) {
t := s.Init(c)
pathFor := map[string]bool{}
outputPathFor := func(kinds ...string) {
pathFor = make(map[string]bool)
for _, kind := range kinds {
pathFor[kind] = true
test := func(program string, output ...string) {
line := t.NewLine("", 1, "")
list, err := parseShellProgram(line, program)
if !c.Check(err, check.IsNil) || !c.Check(list, check.NotNil) {
walker := NewMkShWalker()
var commands []string
add := func(kind string, format string, args ...interface{}) {
if format != "" && !contains(format, "%") {
detail := sprintf(format, args...)
commands = append(commands, sprintf("%16s %s", kind, detail))
if pathFor[kind] {
commands = append(commands, sprintf("%16s %s", "Path", walker.Path()))
callback := &walker.Callback
callback.List = func(list *MkShList) { add("List", "with %d andOrs", len(list.AndOrs)) }
callback.AndOr = func(andor *MkShAndOr) { add("AndOr", "with %d pipelines", len(andor.Pipes)) }
callback.Pipeline = func(pipeline *MkShPipeline) { add("Pipeline", "with %d commands", len(pipeline.Cmds)) }
callback.Command = func(command *MkShCommand) { add("Command", "") }
callback.SimpleCommand = func(command *MkShSimpleCommand) {
add("SimpleCommand", "%s", NewStrCommand(command).String())
callback.CompoundCommand = func(command *MkShCompoundCommand) { add("CompoundCommand", "") }
callback.Case = func(caseClause *MkShCase) { add("Case", "with %d items", len(caseClause.Cases)) }
callback.CaseItem = func(caseItem *MkShCaseItem) { add("CaseItem", "with %d patterns", len(caseItem.Patterns)) }
callback.FunctionDefinition = func(funcdef *MkShFunctionDefinition) { add("FunctionDef", "for %s", funcdef.Name) }
callback.If = func(ifClause *MkShIf) { add("If", "with %d then-branches", len(ifClause.Conds)) }
callback.Loop = func(loop *MkShLoop) { add("Loop", "") }
callback.Words = func(words []*ShToken) { add("Words", "with %d words", len(words)) }
callback.Word = func(word *ShToken) { add("Word", "%s", word.MkText) }
callback.Redirects = func(redirects []*MkShRedirection) { add("Redirects", "with %d redirects", len(redirects)) }
callback.Redirect = func(redirect *MkShRedirection) { add("Redirect", "%s", redirect.Op) }
callback.For = func(forClause *MkShFor) { add("For", "variable %s", forClause.Varname) }
callback.Varname = func(varname string) { add("Varname", "%s", varname) }
// TODO: Provide a reduced AST that omits all "AndOr with 1 pipelines", etc.
// It should look like this:
// List with 5 andOrs (or generic Commands?)
// If with 1 then-branch(es)
// SimpleCommand condition
// SimpleCommand action
// Case with 1 item(s)
// ...
t.CheckDeepEquals(commands, output)
// After parsing, there is not a single level of indentation,
// therefore even Parent(0) returns nil.
// This ensures that the w.push/w.pop calls are balanced.
t.CheckEquals(walker.Parent(0), nil)
"if condition; then action; else case selector in pattern) case-item-action ;; esac; fi; "+
"set -e; "+
"cd ${WRKSRC}/locale; "+
"for lang in *.po; do "+
" [ \"$${lang}\" = \"wxstd.po\" ] && continue; "+
" ${TOOLS_PATH.msgfmt} -c -o \"$${lang%.po}.mo\" \"$${lang}\"; "+
"done; "+
"while :; do fun() { :; } 1>&2; done",
" List with 5 andOrs",
" AndOr with 1 pipelines",
" Pipeline with 1 commands",
" Command ",
" CompoundCommand ",
" If with 1 then-branches",
" List with 1 andOrs",
" AndOr with 1 pipelines",
" Pipeline with 1 commands",
" Command ",
" SimpleCommand condition",
" Path List.AndOr[0].Pipeline[0].Command[0].CompoundCommand.If.List[0].AndOr[0].Pipeline[0].Command[0].SimpleCommand",
" Word condition",
" List with 1 andOrs",
" AndOr with 1 pipelines",
" Pipeline with 1 commands",
" Command ",
" SimpleCommand action",
" Path List.AndOr[0].Pipeline[0].Command[0].CompoundCommand.If.List[1].AndOr[0].Pipeline[0].Command[0].SimpleCommand",
" Word action",
" List with 1 andOrs",
" AndOr with 1 pipelines",
" Pipeline with 1 commands",
" Command ",
" CompoundCommand ",
" Case with 1 items",
" Word selector",
" CaseItem with 1 patterns",
" Words with 1 words",
" Word pattern",
" List with 1 andOrs",
" AndOr with 1 pipelines",
" Pipeline with 1 commands",
" Command ",
" SimpleCommand case-item-action",
" Path List.AndOr[0].Pipeline[0].Command[0].CompoundCommand.If."+
" Word case-item-action",
" AndOr with 1 pipelines",
" Pipeline with 1 commands",
" Command ",
" SimpleCommand set -e",
" Path List.AndOr[1].Pipeline[0].Command[0].SimpleCommand",
" Word set",
" Words with 1 words",
" Word -e",
" AndOr with 1 pipelines",
" Pipeline with 1 commands",
" Command ",
" SimpleCommand cd ${WRKSRC}/locale",
" Path List.AndOr[2].Pipeline[0].Command[0].SimpleCommand",
" Word cd",
" Words with 1 words",
" Word ${WRKSRC}/locale",
" AndOr with 1 pipelines",
" Pipeline with 1 commands",
" Command ",
" CompoundCommand ",
" For variable lang",
" Varname lang",
" Words with 1 words",
" Word *.po",
" List with 2 andOrs",
" AndOr with 2 pipelines",
" Pipeline with 1 commands",
" Command ",
" SimpleCommand [ \"$${lang}\" = \"wxstd.po\" ]",
" Path List.AndOr[3].Pipeline[0].Command[0].CompoundCommand.For.List.AndOr[0].Pipeline[0].Command[0].SimpleCommand",
" Word [",
" Words with 4 words",
" Word \"$${lang}\"",
" Word =",
" Word \"wxstd.po\"",
" Word ]",
" Pipeline with 1 commands",
" Command ",
" SimpleCommand continue",
" Path List.AndOr[3].Pipeline[0].Command[0].CompoundCommand.For.List.AndOr[0].Pipeline[1].Command[0].SimpleCommand",
" Word continue",
" AndOr with 1 pipelines",
" Pipeline with 1 commands",
" Command ",
" SimpleCommand ${TOOLS_PATH.msgfmt} -c -o \"$${lang%.po}.mo\" \"$${lang}\"",
" Path List.AndOr[3].Pipeline[0].Command[0].CompoundCommand.For.List.AndOr[1].Pipeline[0].Command[0].SimpleCommand",
" Word ${TOOLS_PATH.msgfmt}",
" Words with 4 words",
" Word -c",
" Word -o",
" Word \"$${lang%.po}.mo\"",
" Word \"$${lang}\"",
" AndOr with 1 pipelines",
" Pipeline with 1 commands",
" Command ",
" CompoundCommand ",
" Loop ",
" List with 1 andOrs",
" AndOr with 1 pipelines",
" Pipeline with 1 commands",
" Command ",
" SimpleCommand :",
" Path List.AndOr[4].Pipeline[0].Command[0].CompoundCommand.Loop.List[0].AndOr[0].Pipeline[0].Command[0].SimpleCommand",
" Word :",
" List with 1 andOrs",
" AndOr with 1 pipelines",
" Pipeline with 1 commands",
" Command ",
" FunctionDef for fun",
" CompoundCommand ",
" List with 1 andOrs",
" AndOr with 1 pipelines",
" Pipeline with 1 commands",
" Command ",
" SimpleCommand :",
" Path List.AndOr[4].Pipeline[0].Command[0].CompoundCommand.Loop."+
" Word :",
" Redirects with 1 redirects",
" Redirect >&",
" Word 2")
outputPathFor("Redirects", "Redirect", "Word")
"echo 'hello world' 1>/dev/null 2>&1 0</dev/random",
" List with 1 andOrs",
" AndOr with 1 pipelines",
" Pipeline with 1 commands",
" Command ",
" SimpleCommand echo 'hello world'",
" Word echo",
" Path List.AndOr[0].Pipeline[0].Command[0].SimpleCommand.ShToken",
" Words with 1 words",
" Word 'hello world'",
" Path List.AndOr[0].Pipeline[0].Command[0].SimpleCommand.[]ShToken[1].ShToken[0]",
" Redirects with 3 redirects",
" Path List.AndOr[0].Pipeline[0].Command[0].SimpleCommand.[]MkShRedirection",
" Redirect >",
" Path List.AndOr[0].Pipeline[0].Command[0].SimpleCommand.[]MkShRedirection.Redirection[0]",
" Word /dev/null",
" Path List.AndOr[0].Pipeline[0].Command[0].SimpleCommand.[]MkShRedirection.Redirection[0].ShToken[0]",
" Redirect >&",
" Path List.AndOr[0].Pipeline[0].Command[0].SimpleCommand.[]MkShRedirection.Redirection[1]",
" Word 1",
" Path List.AndOr[0].Pipeline[0].Command[0].SimpleCommand.[]MkShRedirection.Redirection[1].ShToken[1]",
" Redirect <",
" Path List.AndOr[0].Pipeline[0].Command[0].SimpleCommand.[]MkShRedirection.Redirection[2]",
" Word /dev/random",
" Path List.AndOr[0].Pipeline[0].Command[0].SimpleCommand.[]MkShRedirection.Redirection[2].ShToken[2]")
func (s *Suite) Test_MkShWalker_Walk__empty_callback(c *check.C) {
t := s.Init(c)
test := func(program string) {
line := t.NewLine("", 1, "")
list, err := parseShellProgram(line, program)
assertNil(err, "")
walker := NewMkShWalker()
t.CheckEquals(walker.Parent(0), nil)
test("" +
"if condition; then action; else case selector in pattern) case-item-action ;; esac; fi; " +
"set -e; " +
"cd ${WRKSRC}/locale; " +
"for lang in *.po; do " +
" [ \"$${lang}\" = \"wxstd.po\" ] && continue; " +
" ${TOOLS_PATH.msgfmt} -c -o \"$${lang%.po}.mo\" \"$${lang}\"; " +
"done; " +
"while :; do fun() { :; } 1>&2; done")
"echo 'hello world' 1>/dev/null 2>&1 0</dev/random")
func (s *Suite) Test_MkShWalker_Walk__assertion(c *check.C) {
t := s.Init(c)
line := t.NewLine("", 1, "")
list, err := parseShellProgram(line, "echo \"hello, world\"")
assertNil(err, "")
walker := NewMkShWalker()
// This callback intentionally breaks the assertion.
walker.Callback.Word = func(word *ShToken) { walker.push(0, "extra word") }
t.ExpectAssert(func() { walker.Walk(list) })
// Just for code coverage, to keep the main code symmetrical.
func (s *Suite) Test_MkShWalker_walkCommand__empty(c *check.C) {
walker := NewMkShWalker()
walker.walkCommand(0, &MkShCommand{})
// Just for code coverage, to keep the main code symmetrical.
func (s *Suite) Test_MkShWalker_walkCompoundCommand__empty(c *check.C) {
walker := NewMkShWalker()
walker.walkCompoundCommand(0, &MkShCompoundCommand{})