With the package, \_ in text mode (i.e., \textunderscore) prints an underscore so that hyphenation of words either side of it is not affected; a package option controls whether an actual hyphenation point appears after the underscore, or merely a break point. The package also arranges that, while in text, '_' itself behaves as \textunderscore (the behaviour of _ in maths mode is not affected.
6 lines
396 B
6 lines
396 B
With the package, \_ in text mode (i.e., \textunderscore) prints an
underscore so that hyphenation of words either side of it is not
affected; a package option controls whether an actual hyphenation point
appears after the underscore, or merely a break point. The package also
arranges that, while in text, '_' itself behaves as \textunderscore (the
behaviour of _ in maths mode is not affected.