Carries out mapping between assorted color spaces including RGB, HSV, HLS, CIEXYZ, CIELUV, HCL (polar CIELUV), CIELAB and polar CIELAB. Qualitative, sequential, and diverging color palettes based on HCL colors are provided along with an interactive palette picker (with either a Tcl/Tk or a shiny GUI).
6 lines
427 B
6 lines
427 B
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.1 2018/02/07 20:40:58 minskim Exp $
SHA1 (R/colorspace_1.3-2.tar.gz) = 40ed8aad9e2e622fa2a2f083ff3b3e123f4254e2
RMD160 (R/colorspace_1.3-2.tar.gz) = 07c621091287fe414812e4aa2c3a823e5f377c16
SHA512 (R/colorspace_1.3-2.tar.gz) = 02ee4e2c1bf6aa32ce2a02d2f21251b0d1656a2fb2bcd925be33d155a804c7ca1aefb0ab407dab0995ec5902cb3ba5e7c7343b17ea3088ced6e94fd1527e99bd
Size (R/colorspace_1.3-2.tar.gz) = 293433 bytes