skrll 157a1162eb Import of the KDE 3.0.1 meta pkg.
A summarised(!) version of the main changes between 2.2.2 and 3.0 is
given below.

Other things to note are.

	- NetBSD/a.out support done by me (again).
	- All workarounds are as for KDE-2 and probably need revisiting.
	- only partially compiled tested against 3.3.6.

One of the most exciting additions to KDE 3 is the new printing framework,
KDEPrint. Its modular design makes it easy to support different printing
engines, such as CUPS, LPRng, LPR, LPD or other servers or programs.

Browser. Konqueror is KDE's fifth-generation web browser, file manager and
document viewer. The standards-compliant Konqueror has a component-based
architecture which combines the features and functionality of Internet
Explorer/Netscape Communicator and Windows Explorer.

Konqueror uses KHTML as its rendering engine. KHTML supports the full gamut
of current Internet technologies. It supports the scripting language
ECMAScript ("JavaScript") as well as Java; the XML 1.0 and HTML 4.0 markup
languages; cascading style sheets (CSS-1 and -2); secure communications with
SSL; Netscape Communicator plug-ins, including Flash and RealAudio and
RealVideo; and, in conjunction with some commercial add-ons, Windows
Netscape plugins, including Macromedia Shockwave Player, the QuickTime and
Windows Media Player 6.5 multimedia players, and various MS Office document

"One of the major improvements brought by KDE 3.0 over KDE 2.2 is the
JavaScript/DHTML support in Konqueror," stated Dirk Mueller, a KHTML
developer and the KDE 3 release coordinator. "The implementation of the DOM
model, used for rendering XML and well designed HTML pages, has been much
improved. The CSS 1 rendering module support is considered complete. The
JavaScript bindings and support is almost complete, faster and more stable
than in KDE 2. The resulting improvements in the speed and rendering quality
of state of the art web pages is something users will appreciate

Konqueror's improved JavaScript support is nicely demontrated by the added
support for Heirmenus, a sophisticated JavaScript pop-up and drop-down menu
system. This release also adds comprehensive SSL certificate and CA
management tools, as well as new configuration options for image management
and a reimplemented zooming functionality.

File manager. Konqueror is also KDE's file manager. In KDE 3.0, Konqueror
can display additional file information - file size, permissions and
mimetype-specific information such as ID3 tags for MP3s or comments for JPG
images - in a tooltip, and, in appropriate cases, edit this information.
Moreover, Konqueror provides audio file "previews" by hovering the mouse
over the file's icon. In addition, Konqueror's sidebar now features a media
player, to which one can drag audio/video files for quick play.

Email. KMail is KDE's full-featured and user-friendly e-mail client. KMail
supports both the popular IMAP and POP3 mail standards. Users can have
multiple accounts and multiple identities. Its address book is based on the
vCard address book standard, and is shared with the rest of KDE.

PIM. Calendaring / Group Scheduling. KOrganizer is KDE's calendaring and
scheduling program for organizing appointments, todo lists, projects and
more. It is an integral part of the KDE PIM suite, which aims to be a
complete solution for organizing your personal data. KOrganizer supports the
two dominant standards for storing and exchanging calendar data, vCalendar
and iCalendar.

Multimedia. KDE 3 provides a rich set of multimedia tools, from a CD player
to a themeable media player for .WAV, .MP3 and OggVorbis audio files and
MPEG-1 and DivX video files (Noatun). Noatun features audio effects, a
six-band graphic equalizer, a full plugin architecture, network transparency
and several skins. With KDE 3.0, Noatun for the first time offers support
for Icecast and SHOUTcast digital audio streaming.

KDE 3 also ships aKtion!, a video player for a large number of video

Edutainment. A package with "Edutainment" applications has been added to
KDE. It is maintained by the KDE Edutainment Project, which aims to create
educational software based around KDE.
2002-05-31 13:15:50 +00:00

125 lines
4.8 KiB

# $NetBSD:,v 2002/05/31 13:15:51 skrll Exp $
# This Makefile fragment is included by packages that use the KDE3
# configure-and-build process.
# To use this Makefile fragment, simply include this Makefile fragment in
# the package Makefile.
# The buildlink strategy with KDE3 packages is:
# * pass UIC to the configure script, as the KDE3 configure scripts now
# check for its existance and fail if its not found.
# * pass USER_LDFLAGS to the configure script, containing the value of
# LDFLAGS as set by; this should pass all of the necessary
# library directory and rpath settings to the compiler/linker to find
# the X11, Qt-3.x, and KDE-3.x libraries.
# * pass KDEDIR and a hand-crafted ac_cv_have_kde to the configure
# script, where KDEDIR contains the installed location of KDE,
# and ac_cv_have_kde contains the buildlinked location of KDE; this
# makes the KDE configure script install other KDE software in
# ${KDEDIR}, but build against the libraries in ${BUILDLINK_DIR}.
# * override kde_libraries at build-time; the configure script will set
# it to point into the buildlink directory and will add the correct
# linker flags to find the KDE3 libraries in the buildlink directory,
# but we need to point it to the actual install location of the KDE
# libraries so that the build may find the libtool archives.
# We pass the following values via options to the configure script:
# * datadir is where all of the KDE3 data files go
# * qt-dir is the location of QT3 for build purposes
# * extra-includes is where headers for dependencies may be found;
# since we're using the buildlink infrastructure, this should contain
# We _don't_ pass the following values via options to the configure script:
# * extra-libs contains library directories that are added to both the
# rpath via -R and to the linker flags via -L; we don't need this
# since we need different directories for -R/-L and we can pass them
# in directly via ${USER_LDFLAGS}
# We also disable the rpath setting by the configure script since it often
# guesses wrong on odd setups, and since we already pass all of the required
# flags through USER_LDFLAGS.
# The qt3-tools and qt3-libs buildlink files are also pulled in as all KDE
# pkgs need them.
.if !defined(KDE3_BUILDLINK_MK)
KDE3_BUILDLINK_MK= # defined
# All KDE3 packages satisfy the requirements for USE_X11BASE. This also
# forces all KDE3 packages to have a common installation prefix.
.include "../../mk/"
.if !defined(USE_BUILDLINK_ONLY)
# Default values so that even if the package using this file is not strongly
# buildlinkified, there are sensible values for finding the KDE3 and Qt3
# headers and libraries.
QTDIR?= ${X11PREFIX}/qt3
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --datadir="${KDEDIR}/share/kde"
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-extra-includes="${_KDE3_EXTRA_INCLUDES}"
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-rpath
.if exists(${X11BASE}/lib/
CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-xinerama
# These help when using auto*
CONFIGURE_ENV+= ac_cv_have_kde="${_KDE3_AC_CV_HAVE_KDE}"
MAKE_FLAGS+= kde_libraries="${KDEDIR}/lib"
_KDE3_AC_CV_HAVE_KDE?= have_kde=yes \
ac_kde_includes=${BUILDLINK_KDEDIR}/include \
KDE_CONFIG_SITE?= ${KDEDIR}/share/kde/ \
CONFIGURE_ENV+= kde_appsdir="${KDEDIR}/share/kde/applnk"
CONFIGURE_ENV+= kde_cgidir="${KDEDIR}/kde-cgi-bin"
CONFIGURE_ENV+= kde_confdir="${KDEDIR}/share/kde/config"
CONFIGURE_ENV+= kde_datadir="${KDEDIR}/share/kde/apps"
CONFIGURE_ENV+= kde_htmldir="${KDEDIR}/share/doc/kde/HTML"
CONFIGURE_ENV+= kde_icondir="${KDEDIR}/share/kde/icons"
CONFIGURE_ENV+= kde_locale="${KDEDIR}/share/kde/locale"
CONFIGURE_ENV+= kde_mimedir="${KDEDIR}/share/kde/mimelnk"
CONFIGURE_ENV+= kde_servicesdir="${KDEDIR}/share/kde/services"
CONFIGURE_ENV+= kde_servicetypesdir="${KDEDIR}/share/kde/servicetypes"
CONFIGURE_ENV+= kde_sounddir="${KDEDIR}/share/kde/sounds"
CONFIGURE_ENV+= kde_templatesdir="${KDEDIR}/share/kde/templates"
CONFIGURE_ENV+= kde_toolbardir="${KDEDIR}/share/kde/toolbar"
CONFIGURE_ENV+= kde_wallpaperdir="${KDEDIR}/share/kde/wallpapers"
.include "../../x11/qt3-tools/"