heinz 6b57ac466e Updated to version 1.03
Adapted to buildlink3

Changes sinces 0.17

1.03 2002.12.09
    - Makefile.PL now uses ExtUtils::AutoInstall. Thanks to Autrijus Tang
      for the note.
    - SIGNATURE file now included with distribution.
    - Added --version to bin/pgplet, which lists supported ciphers, digests,
      etc., along with version information.
    - Added Crypt::OpenPGP::KeyBlock::save_armoured, to save an armoured
      version of the keyblock (useful for exporting public keys).
    - encrypt and verify no longer fail if there are no public keyrings,
      in case lookup in a keyserver is desired.
    - Added Crypt::OpenPGP::Digest::supported and
    - Fixed bug where signed cleartext has \r characters in the header.

1.02 2002.10.12
    - encrypt and verify now support auto-retrieval of public keys from
      an HKP keyserver, if the keys are not found in the local keyring.
    - Added support for the SHA-1 integrity checks on secret keys used
      by gnupg 1.0.7. Thanks to Chip Turner for the spot.
    - Added a --local-user|-u option to bin/pgplet to support using a
      different secret key for signing. Thanks to Joseph Pepin for the
    - new() now accepts Crypt::OpenPGP::KeyRing objects for the PubRing
      and SecRing parameters.
    - Fixed a bug in decrypt where passing in a "Key" param to decrypt a
      message encrypted to multiple recipients did not work. Thanks to
      rdailey for the spot.
    - ElGamal self-signatures no longer cause an error.
    - Added LWP::UserAgent and URI::Escape to prereqs, for keyserver.
    - Added Crypt::OpenPGP::Signature::digest accessor. Thanks to Bob
      Mathews for the patch.

1.01 2002.07.15
    - Added Crypt::OpenPGP::handle, a DWIM wrapper around the other
      high-level interface methods. Given data, it determines whether the
      data needs to be decrypted, verified, or both. And then it does what
      it's supposed to do.
    - Added Crypt::OpenPGP::Signature::timestamp to return the created-on
      time for a signature. Also, Crypt::OpenPGP::decrypt and
      Crypt::OpenPGP::verify now return the Crypt::OpenPGP::Signature object
      if called in list context (and, in the case of decrypt, if there is
      a signature). Thanks to Erik Arneson for the patches.
    - Fixed a bug in decrypt with uncompressed encrypted signed data.
      Thanks to Erik Arneson for the spot.
    - Fixed a bug in Crypt::OpenPGP::Message with clearsigned messages, if
      the text and signature were contained in a block of text containing
      more PGP messages/signatures.
    - Fixed a nasty, evil, stupid compatibility bug with canonical text.
      Namely, pgp2 and pgp5 do not trim trailing whitespace from "canonical
      text" signatures, only from cleartext signatures. This was causing
      invalid signatures which should not have been invalid. Thanks to
      Erik Arneson for the spot.
    - Added Crypt::OpenPGP::KeyServer, which does lookups against an HKP

1.00 2002.02.26
    - CAST5 is now supported thanks to Crypt::CAST5_PP from Bob Mathews.
    - bin/pgplet now supports encrypting and decrypting symmetrically-
      encrypted messages.
    - The PassphraseCallback argument to Crypt::OpenPGP::decrypt can now
      be used to supply a callback for symmetrically-encrypted packets,
      as well as public-key-encrypted packets.
    - Fix a bug with encrypted, signed text--the signature was being
      armoured, which led to errors from the process trying to decrypt and
    - Fix a bug with symmetric-encrypted session keys w/r/t generation for
      PGP2--PGP2 doesn't understand symmetric-encrypted session keys, so we
      need to leave them out when Compat is PGP2. Also, we need to use the
      'Simple' S2k rather than the default, 'Salt_Iter'.
    - Fix a key generation bug where GnuPG will not import generated public
      keys, because the self-signature is invalid; signature needs to be on
      key data *and* user ID. Thanks to Joel Rowles for the spot.
    - Fix bug in ElGamal encryption and k generation.

0.18  2002.01.29
    - Added IsPacketStream parameter to Crypt::OpenPGP::Message; this turns
      off armour detection when initializing the message, and can be used
      when you *know* that the message is a stream of packets, and not an
      ASCII-armoured stream of packets.
    - When unarmouring, remove \r characters from the armoured text end
      of lines.
    - Added Crypt::OpenPGP::KeyRing::save method. Thanks to Ben Xain for
      the idea and a patch.
    - Added compatibility with symmetric-key-encrypted files that do not
      have a symmetric-key session key packet. The assumption with these
      encrypted messages is that they are PGP2-encrypted, using the IDEA
      cipher, MD5 digests, and a Simple s2k. So that is how the fix has
      been implemented. Thanks to Ben Xain for the bug report.
    - Win32 fixes: use binmode when reading files that might be binary.
    - Added --symmetric and --digest options to Makefile.PL to set
      symmetric and digest algorithms when using --sdk.
    - Fixed subkey IDs in list-keys with bin/pgplet.
    - Check for errors when reading keyring.
2004-03-07 03:28:44 +00:00

44 lines
1.8 KiB

# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.10 2004/03/07 03:28:44 heinz Exp $
DISTNAME= Crypt-OpenPGP-1.03
CATEGORIES= security perl5
COMMENT= Perl5 module for OpenPGP support
DEPENDS+= p5-Compress-Zlib-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Compress-Zlib
DEPENDS+= p5-Crypt-Blowfish-[0-9]*:../../security/p5-Crypt-Blowfish
DEPENDS+= p5-Crypt-CAST5_PP-[0-9]*:../../security/p5-Crypt-CAST5_PP
DEPENDS+= p5-Crypt-DES-[0-9]*:../../security/p5-Crypt-DES
DEPENDS+= p5-Crypt-DES_EDE3-[0-9]*:../../security/p5-Crypt-DES_EDE3
DEPENDS+= p5-Crypt-DSA-[0-9]*:../../security/p5-Crypt-DSA
DEPENDS+= p5-Crypt-Rijndael-[0-9]*:../../security/p5-Crypt-Rijndael
DEPENDS+= p5-Crypt-RIPEMD160-[0-9]*:../../security/p5-Crypt-RIPEMD160
DEPENDS+= p5-Crypt-RSA-[0-9]*:../../security/p5-Crypt-RSA
DEPENDS+= p5-Crypt-Twofish>=2.00:../../security/p5-Crypt-Twofish
DEPENDS+= p5-Data-Buffer>=0.04:../../devel/p5-Data-Buffer
DEPENDS+= p5-Digest-MD5-[0-9]*:../../security/p5-Digest-MD5
DEPENDS+= p5-Digest-SHA1-[0-9]*:../../security/p5-Digest-SHA1
# contains LWP::UserAgent
DEPENDS+= p5-libwww>=5.10:../../www/p5-libwww
DEPENDS+= p5-Math-Pari-[0-9]*:../../math/p5-Math-Pari
DEPENDS+= p5-MIME-Base64-[0-9]*:../../converters/p5-MIME-Base64
DEPENDS+= p5-URI-[0-9]*:../../www/p5-URI
# hmmm
#DEPENDS+= p5-Crypt-IDEA-[0-9]*:../../security/p5-Crypt-IDEA
PKG_INSTALLATION_TYPES= overwrite pkgviews
PERL5_PACKLIST= ${PERL5_SITEARCH}/auto/Crypt/OpenPGP/.packlist
.include "../../lang/perl5/"
.include "../../mk/"