Update ruby-tty-prompt to 0.22.0.
## [v0.22.0] - 2020-07-20
### Added
* Add #slider format customization with a proc by Sven Pchnit(@2called-chaos)
* Add convert message customization
* Add conversion of input into Array, Hash or URI object
* Add callable objects as possible values in :active_color and :help_color
* Add shortcuts to select of all/reverse choices in #multi_select prompt
* Add :help option to #slider prompt
* Add :quiet option to remove final prompt output by Katelyn Schiesser (@slowbro)
* Add :show_help option to control help display in #select, #multi_select, #enum_select
and #slider prompts
### Changed
* Changed question :validation option to :validate by Sven Pachnit(@2called-chaos)
* Change ConverterRegistry to store only proc values and simplify interface
* Change Converters to stop raising errors and print console error messages instead
* Change :range conversion to handle float numbers
* Change yes?/no? prompt to infer default value from words and raise when
no boolean can be deduced
* Change Prompt#new to use keyword arguments
* Change #select/#multi_select prompts default help text
* Change #multi_select to preserve original ordering in returned answers
* Change to remove necromancer dependency
* Change TTY::TestPrompt to TTY::Prompt::Test
* Change #select,#multi_select & #enum_select to allow mix of options and block parameters configuration
* Change to allow filtering through symbol choice names
* Change all errors to inherit from common Error class
### Fixed
* Fix multiline prompt to return default value when no input provided
* Fix color option overriding in say, ok, error and warn prompts
* Fix Prompt#inspect format to display all public attributes