== Version 1.1.4
Maintenance release.
Note: we've removed the metaclass method from Object. There were some
generated specs that used it, and they will now break. Just replace the
metaclass call with (class << self; self; end) and all will be well.
* pending steps print out yellow in stories (patch from Kyle Hargraves)
* Deprecation warnings for specs that assume auto-inclusion of modules. Closes#326 (patch from Scott Taylor)
* mock.should_not_receive(:anything) fails fast (once again)
* Patch from Antti Tarvainen to stop files from being loaded repeatedly when running heckle. Closes#333.
* Fixed bug in which session object in example was not the same instance used in the controller. Closes#331.
* Applied patch from Antti Tarvainen to fix bug where heckle runs rspec runs heckle runs rspec etc. Closes#280.
* Applied patch from Zach Dennis to merge :steps functionality to :steps_for. Closes#324.
* Applied patch from Ryan Davis to add eval of block passed to raise_error matcher. Closes#321.
* alias :context :describe in example_group_methods. Closes#312.
* Applied patch from Ben Mabey to make the Story runner exit with a non-0 exit code on failing stories. Closes#228.
* Applied patch from Coda Hale to get the :red hook called in autotest. Closes#279.
* Applied patch from Patrick Ritchie to support --drb in spec.opts. Closes#274, #293.
* Moved metaclass method from Object to an internal module which gets included where it is needed.
* Applied patch from Dayo Esho: and_yield clobbers return value from block. Closes#217.
* Applied patch from Bob Cotton: ExampleGroupFactory.default resets previously registered types. Closes#222.
* Applied patch from Mike Williams to support the lib directory in rails apps with the Textmate Alternate File command. Closes#276.
* ExampleGroupMethods#xspecify aliases #xit
* A SharedExampleGroup can be created within another ExampleGroup.
* Applied patch from Bob Cotton: Nested ExampleGroups do not have a spec_path. Closes#224.
* Add before_suite and after_suite callbacks to ExampleGroupMethods and Options. Closes#210.
* The after(:suite) callback lambda is passed a boolean representing whether the suite passed or failed
* Added NestedTextFormatter. Closes#366.
* decoupled mock framework from global extensions used by rspec - supports use of flexmock or mocha w/ rails
* Applied patch from Roman Chernyatchik to allow the user to pass in the rails version into spectask. Closes#325, #370