120 lines
4.5 KiB
120 lines
4.5 KiB
$NetBSD: patch-lib_addressable_uri.rb,v 1.1 2011/11/06 07:44:28 obache Exp $
* some fixes and improvements (from upstream repo).
--- lib/addressable/uri.rb.orig 2011-11-06 07:18:52.000000000 +0000
+++ lib/addressable/uri.rb
@@ -325,7 +325,11 @@ module Addressable
return nil if component.nil?
- component = component.to_str
+ if component.kind_of?(Symbol) || component.kind_of?(Numeric)
+ component = component.to_s
+ else
+ component = component.to_str
+ end
rescue TypeError, NoMethodError
raise TypeError, "Can't convert #{component.class} into String."
end if !component.is_a? String
@@ -715,6 +719,7 @@ module Addressable
self.authority = options[:authority] if options[:authority]
self.path = options[:path] if options[:path]
self.query = options[:query] if options[:query]
+ self.query_values = options[:query_values] if options[:query_values]
self.fragment = options[:fragment] if options[:fragment]
@@ -1497,39 +1502,55 @@ module Addressable
# Only to be used for non-Array inputs. Arrays should preserve order.
- # new_query_values have form [['key1', 'value1'], ['key2', 'value2']]
- # Algorithm shamelessly stolen from Julien Genestoux, slightly modified
- buffer = ""
- stack = []
- e = lambda do |component|
- component = component.to_s if component.kind_of?(Symbol)
- URI.encode_component(component, CharacterClasses::UNRESERVED)
- end
- new_query_values.each do |key, value|
- if value.kind_of?(Hash)
- stack << [key, value]
- elsif value.kind_of?(Array)
- stack << [
- key,
- value.inject({}) { |accu, x| accu[accu.size.to_s] = x; accu }
- ]
+ ##
+ # Joins and converts parent and value into a properly encoded and
+ # ordered URL query.
+ #
+ # @private
+ # @param [String] parent an URI encoded component.
+ # @param [Array, Hash, Symbol, #to_str] value
+ #
+ # @return [String] a properly escaped and ordered URL query.
+ to_query = lambda do |parent, value|
+ if value.is_a?(Hash)
+ value = value.map do |key, val|
+ [
+ URI.encode_component(key, CharacterClasses::UNRESERVED),
+ val
+ ]
+ end
+ value.sort!
+ buffer = ""
+ value.each do |key, val|
+ new_parent = "#{parent}[#{key}]"
+ buffer << "#{to_query.call(new_parent, val)}&"
+ end
+ return buffer.chop
+ elsif value.is_a?(Array)
+ buffer = ""
+ value.each_with_index do |val, i|
+ new_parent = "#{parent}[#{i}]"
+ buffer << "#{to_query.call(new_parent, val)}&"
+ end
+ return buffer.chop
elsif value == true
- buffer << "#{e.call(key)}&"
+ return parent
- buffer << "#{e.call(key)}=#{e.call(value)}&"
+ encoded_value = URI.encode_component(
+ value, CharacterClasses::UNRESERVED
+ )
+ return "#{parent}=#{encoded_value}"
- stack.each do |(parent, hash)|
- (hash.sort_by { |key| key.to_s }).each do |(key, value)|
- if value.kind_of?(Hash)
- stack << ["#{parent}[#{key}]", value]
- elsif value == true
- buffer << "#{parent}[#{e.call(key)}]&"
- else
- buffer << "#{parent}[#{e.call(key)}]=#{e.call(value)}&"
- end
- end
+ # new_query_values have form [['key1', 'value1'], ['key2', 'value2']]
+ buffer = ""
+ new_query_values.each do |parent, value|
+ encoded_parent = URI.encode_component(
+ parent, CharacterClasses::UNRESERVED
+ )
+ buffer << "#{to_query.call(encoded_parent, value)}&"
self.query = buffer.chop
@@ -2182,7 +2203,7 @@ module Addressable
parent = normalized_path.match(NPATH2)
if parent && ((parent[1] != PARENT1 && parent[1] != PARENT2) \
|| (parent[2] != PARENT1 && parent[2] != PARENT2))
- mod ||= normalized_path.gsub!(/\/#{parent[1]}\/\.\.\/|(\/#{parent[2]}\/\.\.$)/, SLASH)
+ mod ||= normalized_path.gsub!(/\/#{Regexp.escape(parent[1].to_s)}\/\.\.\/|(\/#{Regexp.escape(parent[2].to_s)}\/\.\.$)/, SLASH)
mod ||= normalized_path.gsub!(NPATH3, EMPTYSTR)