agc 9fcba1c468 Update gpg2dot to version 1.4.
Fixes from Christoph Badura, who tested on gnupg-1.2.

This new version works with gnupg-1.4.0 as well as older versions of gpg,
and uses the --list-sigs argument as well as the --with-colons arguments
to gpg.
2005-03-03 22:43:49 +00:00

105 lines
3.1 KiB

#! @PREFIX@/bin/perl
# $NetBSD:,v 1.4 2005/03/03 22:43:49 agc Exp $
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
# Andrew Brown <> and Luke Mewburn <>
# wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you can do whatever
# you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think this stuff
# is worth it, you can buy us a beer in return.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# gpg2dot [mykey] --
# generate input for dot(1) from gpg(1) --list-sigs
# gpg
# dot
$date = localtime();
$mykeyid = shift;
open(GPG, "gpg --list-sigs --with-colons --no-sig-cache --verbose 2>/dev/null |");
while (<GPG>) {
my @fields = split /:/;
if ($fields[0] eq "pub" || $fields[0] eq "uid") {
if ($fields[0] eq "pub") {
($lkeyid, $date, $kuid) = ($fields[4], $fields[5], $fields[9]);
else {
next; # XXX --with-colons doesn't seem to produce uid records with useable values
($kuid) = ($fields[$9]);
$kuid =~ s/\"/\\\"/g;
$kuid =~ s/\\x([0-9a-fA-F]+)/chr(hex($1))/eg;
($keyid = $lkeyid) =~ s:.*/::;
$kuid{$keyid} = $kuid;
next if ($label{$keyid} != "");
$label{$keyid} = "$lkeyid - $date\\n$kuid";
elsif ($fields[0] eq "sig") {
($skeyid, $date, $suid) = ($fields[4], $fields[5], $fields[9]);
next if ($suid =~ /id not found/ ||
$skeyid eq $keyid);
push(@isigs, "$keyid $skeyid $date $suid");
$sigmap{"$keyid-$skeyid"} = 1;
foreach (@isigs) {
($keyid, $skeyid, $date, $suid) = split(/ /, $_, 4);
next if (!$kuid{$keyid} || !$kuid{$skeyid});
next if ($sigmap{"$skeyid-$keyid"} == -1);
$color = "black";
$attrs = "";
if ($sigmap{"$skeyid-$keyid"}) {
if ($keyid eq $mykeyid ||
$skeyid eq $mykeyid) { # two way trust, includes me
$color = "green";
} else { # two way trust, me unevolved
$color = "blue";
$attrs = ",dir=\"both\"";
$sigmap{"$keyid-$skeyid"} = -1;
} elsif ($keyid eq $mykeyid) { # you trust me (one way)
$color = "orange";
} elsif ($skeyid eq $mykeyid) { # i trust you (one way)
$color = "red";
push(@sigs, sprintf("\"%s\" -> \"%s\"[tailURL=\"\",headURL=\"\",color=\"%s\"%s];\t// %s -> %s\n",
$skeyid, $keyid, $keyid, $skeyid, $skeyid, $keyid, $color, $attrs,
$kuid{$skeyid}, $kuid{$keyid}));
$signer{$skeyid} = "yes";
$signed{$keyid} = "yes";
foreach (keys %label) {
next if (!$signer{$_} && !$signed{$_});
push(@keys, sprintf("\"%s\" [URL=\"\",label=\"%s\",shape=\"box\"];\n",
$_, $_, $label{$_}));
@sigs = uniq(sort(@sigs));
$" = "";
digraph "gpg" {
label = "gpg signature graph, $date";
sub uniq {
my (@i) = @_;
my (@o);
push(@o, shift(@i));
foreach (@i) {
push(@o, $_) if ($o[-1] ne $_);