changes in sbcl-1.4.3 relative to sbcl-1.4.2: * enhancement: SLEEP respects deadlines established by SB-SYS:WITH-DEADLINE. * bug fix: DECODE-TIMEOUT and operators accepting a timeout no longer signal an error when called with an argument that is of type (real 0) but not (unsigned-byte 62) (lp#1727789) * bug fix: fixed heap exhaustion bug when consing millions of small objects * bug fix: sb-safepoint builds are now a lot less prone to deadlocks and odd crashes (lp#1424031, lp#1268710) * bug fix: argumentless CALL-NEXT-METHOD where specialized-to-T or unspecialized parameters are mutated now uses the original (non-mutated) parameter values (lp#1734771) * bug fix: memory faults from lisp no longer use (thread-and-interrupt unsafe) global storage for fault addresses (everywhere), and now have cleaner backtraces (on x86 and x86-64). (lp#309068) * bug fix: pathnames with a directory component of the form (:absolute {:up,:wild,:wild-inferiors}) no longer fail to unparse. (lp#1738775) * bug fix: more reliable signal handling on macOS. changes in sbcl-1.4.2 relative to sbcl-1.4.1: * minor incompatible change: SB-EXT:QUIT is no longer marked as deprecated and behaves like SB-EXT:EXIT. * enhancement: ASDF updated to 3.3.1. The ASDF release is dedicated to the late Elias Pipping who put enormous amounts of work into it despite his terminal illness. Thank you and rest in peace. (lp#1681201) * enhancement: alien routines compiled with '-fsanitize=thread' and/or '-fsanitize=memory' cause fewer false positives in error reporting. * optimization: fewer instances of consing float constants at runtime. * bug fix: a number of compiler bugs detected by Paul F. Dietz' randomized tester. (lp#1731503, lp#1730699, lp#1723993, lp#1730434, lp#1661911, lp#1729639, lp#1729471, lp#1728692) * bug fix: better errors from NAMESTRING and friends on pathnames with no namestrings. (lp#792154) * bug fix: EQUAL and EQUALP compiler transforms were too confident in deriving a result. (lp#1732277, lp#1732225) * bug fix: FILL sometimes returned the underlying data vector rather than the given array. (lp#1732553) * bug fix: SEARCH returned the wrong answer in some cases. (lp#1732952) * bug fix: the type (COMPLEX INTEGER) behaves more as specified by Function TYPEP, which has stronger constraints than System Class COMPLEX. (Reported by Eric Marsden, lp#1733400) changes in sbcl-1.4.1 relative to sbcl-1.4.0: * optimization: faster foreign callbacks. * enhancement: complex arrays can be stack allocated. * enhancement: PROCESS-KILL now exists on win32 and PROCESS-PID actually returns the PID. * optimization: the register allocation method used by the compiler when optimizing for speed is now faster for functions with large bodies. * bug fix: SB-INTROSPECT:ALLOCATION-INFORMATION works on big-endian CPUs (fixes lp#490490 for real rather than by disabling a test) * bug fix: code objects and bignums of large enough size to be placed on GC pages without any other object no longer cause accidental copying during garbage collection. (gencgc only) * bug fix: sb-fasteval failure with 0-argument lambdas (lp#1722715) * bug fix: RUN-PROGRAM doesn't leak handles on win32 and PROCESS-CLOSE doesn't crash. (lp#1724472) changes in sbcl-1.4.0 relative to sbcl-1.3.21: * minor incompatible change: DESTRUCTURING-BIND treats non-toplevel () as nested empty pattern. This seems to be what the standard mandates, so conforming code should not be affected. * ehancement: (GC :GEN 7) with gencgc will zero-fill dead pseudo-static objects so that they do not spuriously cause reachability of objects that would have been otherwise dead. * enhancement: PROCESS-STATUS now tracks stopped and continued processes properly (also fixes lp#1624941, based on patch by Elias Pipping). * bug fix: INSPECT handles errors signaled while printing slot values. (lp#454682) * bug fix: DESCRIBE works on classes like it used to. * bug fix: *LOAD-PATHNAME* and *LOAD-TRUENAME* are bound to pathnames when processing a sysinit or userinit file * bug fix: save-lisp-and-die is able to collect more garbage on non-x86oid gencgc targets. * bug fix: fixed out-of-bounds array read in optimized POSITION on bit-vectors * bug fix: signal emulation respects the 128-byte stack red zone on x86-64 macOS.
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# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.77 2018/01/04 14:47:17 jperkin Exp $
PKGNAME= sbcl-1.4.3
EXTRACT_SUFX= .tar.bz2
MAINTAINER= asau@inbox.ru
HOMEPAGE= http://www.sbcl.org/
COMMENT= SBCL, a Common Lisp implementation
# SBCL creates a new release with minor updates and fixes every
# month. The maintainer of this package does not have the time
# to build, test, update, etc. this package that often. If you
# would like a newer (or older) version, this works very often:
# 1) change the PKGNAME variable above as desired
# 2) make fetch && make makesum && make package
USE_TOOLS+= gmake
.include "../../mk/bsd.prefs.mk"
# Bootstrap section.
# SBCL needs an existing Common Lisp system to build it...
# Currently allowed systems are CLISP, CMUCL, OpenMCL, and SBCL itself.
# If SBCL is installed in an unusual place when trying to build this
# package, you may need to set the full path in SBCL_BOOT_SYSTEM and
# build the package with "SBCL_HOME=/path/to/SBCL/core/image/ make"
#SBCL_BOOT_SYSTEM= clisp # CLisp
#SBCL_BOOT_SYSTEM= "lisp -batch" # CMUCL
#SBCL_BOOT_SYSTEM= "openmcl --batch" # OpenMCL
.if !defined(SBCL_BOOT_SYSTEM)
# Use "clisp -ansi -on-error abort" to make the build more reproducible,
# per Christophe Rhodes:
SBCL_BOOT_SYSTEM= clisp -norc -ansi -on-error abort
BUILD_DEPENDS+= clisp-[0-9]*:../../lang/clisp
.elif ${SBCL_BOOT_SYSTEM} == clisp
BUILD_DEPENDS+= clisp-[0-9]*:../../lang/clisp
.elif ${SBCL_BOOT_SYSTEM} == sbcl
# Get bootstrap version:
BUILD_DEPENDS+= sbcl-[0-9]*:../../lang/sbcl
SUBST_CLASSES+= fix-paths
SUBST_STAGE.fix-paths= pre-configure
SUBST_MESSAGE.fix-paths= Fixing absolute paths.
SUBST_FILES.fix-paths= install.sh src/runtime/runtime.c doc/sbcl.1
SUBST_SED.fix-paths= -e 's,@PREFIX@,${PREFIX},g'
SUBST_SED.fix-paths+= -e 's,/var/log,${VARBASE}/log,g'
SUBST_CLASSES+= fix-gtar
SUBST_STAGE.fix-gtar= pre-configure
SUBST_MESSAGE.fix-gtar= Fixing GNU tar references.
SUBST_FILES.fix-gtar= contrib/asdf-install/installer.lisp
SUBST_SED.fix-gtar= -e 's,@GTAR@,${GTAR},'
SUBST_CLASSES+= fix-bins
SUBST_STAGE.fix-bins= pre-configure
SUBST_FILES.fix-bins= src/runtime/Config.x86-64-sunos
SUBST_FILES.fix-bins+= src/runtime/Config.x86-sunos
SUBST_SED.fix-bins= -e 's,nm ,/usr/bin/nm ,'
SUBST_SED.fix-bins+= -e 's,ggrep,grep,'
.if !empty(MACHINE_PLATFORM:MSunOS-*-i386)
SBCL_ARCH_ARGS= "--arch=x86"
.elif !empty(MACHINE_PLATFORM:MSunOS-*-x86_64)
SBCL_ARCH_ARGS= "--arch=x86-64"
cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SH} make.sh --prefix=${PREFIX} ${SBCL_ARCH_ARGS} --xc-host=${SBCL_BOOT_SYSTEM:Q}
cd ${WRKSRC} && ${RM} -f contrib/sb-cover/test-output/*
rm -f ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/sbcl/sb-posix/test-output/write-test.txt
rm -f ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/sbcl/sb-posix/test-output/read-test.txt
rm -f ${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/lib/sbcl/asdf-install/installer.lisp.orig
# for f in compiler.pure.lisp interface.pure.lisp compiler.impure.lisp debug.impure.lisp interface.impure.lisp; do mv ${WRKSRC}/tests/$$f ${WRKSRC}/tests/$$f.off || :; done
cd ${WRKSRC}/tests && ${SH} ./run-tests.sh
.if ${MACHINE_ARCH} == "x86_64"
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"