a fair deal.
Changes from 3.0 (the last pkgsrc version) include:
* Thread pooling and JVM load balancing
* ISAPI and NSAPI integration
* A Command line JSP to Servlet Code tool
* Automatic generation of Apache configuration files
* Automatic deployment of Web ARchive (WAR) files
* Logging
* Substantially improved documentation
* Experimental servlet reloading
* Experimental security implementation
* Minimal Admin/Deployment Tool
* Internal APIs were changed for flexibility and integration
* The source code was cleaned and reorganized
* Most non-essential code was moved out of tomcat.core
* Greater platform / JVM level coverage
* Many, many bugs were fixed.
IMHO, this is _much_ closer to being a real, usable platform than 3.0 was
(as was intender - 3.0 was more of a proof of concept), and is very close
to being something to push into production -- I'm banking on a late 3.1.X
or 3.2 for that.