mef eedc86a305 (math/R-stringdist) Updated to 0.9.8
version 0.9.8
- Fixed some issues on C-level causing problems with the
  CLANG compiler. (Thanks to Brian Ripley for not only
  reporting this, but also sending updated code with

version 0.9.7
- Fixes in use of INTEGER() and VECTOR_ELT() after updates in R's C API.
  this affected 'afind' and 'max_length' (internally). (Thanks to Luke
  Tierny and Kurt Hornik for the notification).
- Fix in 'amatch' causing utf-8 characters to be ignored in some
  cases (thanks to Joan Mime for reporting #78).
- Fix: segfault when 'afind' was called with many search patterns or many
  texts to be searched.
- Fix: stringsimmatrix was not normalized correctly (Thanks to Tamas Ferenci
  for reporting GH).

- Resubmit. Fixed an URL redirect that was detected by CRAN.

- Resubmit. Fixed url issues detected by CRAN, added doi to description
  as per CRAN request.

- Bugfix: afind/grab/grabl returned wrong results on MacOS only.
  (thanks to Prof. Brian Ripley for the notification and for running tests
   on his personal machine and to Tomas Kalibera for making the
   ubuntu-rchk docker image available).

version 0.9.6
- New function 'afind': find approximate matches in text based on string distance.
- New functions 'grab', 'grabl': fuzzy matching equivalent to 'grep' and 'grepl'.
- New function 'extract': fuzzy matching equivalent of stringr::str_extract.
- New algorithm 'running_cosine': fast fuzzy text search using cosine distance.
- New function 'stringsimmatrix' (Thanks to Johannes Gruber).
- Number of threads used is now reported when loading 'stringdist'.
- Internal fixes (in some cases class() == 'class' was used).
2021-09-18 12:38:42 +00:00

13 lines
351 B

# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.2 2021/09/18 12:38:42 mef Exp $
R_PKGNAME= stringdist
R_PKGVER= 0.9.8
COMMENT= Approximate String Matching and String Distance Functions
LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v3
TEST_DEPENDS+= R-tinytest-[0-9]*:../../devel/R-tinytest
.include "../../math/R/Makefile.extension"
.include "../../mk/"