adam 17b9224b31 py-alabaster: updated to 0.7.11
[Feature]: Add badge_branch option allowing configurability of which specific Git branch the Travis, Codecov, etc buttons default to.
[Feature]: Add optional next and previous links at the top and bottom of page content. Use theme option show_relbars to enable these.
[Bug] 73: Clean up some problematic font issues.
[Support]: Add setuptools-level entrypoint for improved theme distribution compatibility.
[Support]: Miscellaneous project maintenance updates such as adding to Travis CI and enforcing the use of flake8.
2018-07-13 07:13:49 +00:00

6 lines
415 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.4 2018/07/13 07:13:49 adam Exp $
SHA1 (alabaster-0.7.11.tar.gz) = 3596a252d54c70d1214370b1cefdec3df203bb4e
RMD160 (alabaster-0.7.11.tar.gz) = 432058f057a139c0174bc83d1afa5748ff32a80d
SHA512 (alabaster-0.7.11.tar.gz) = 3b3762cc9f0a04296d07bdadeb7e77ae007e307bfad81d8ddfa8e883dcf7577bf544957b3664ec4cc354749fa249627071474466dc771c5883c75571c86d8f3b
Size (alabaster-0.7.11.tar.gz) = 10998 bytes