2.14 Fri Nov 9 16:06:00 2012
- No code changes.
- Patch t/foo.t to not assume text appears on specific lines of the output test files.
2.13 Fri Nov 9 08:27:00 2012
- No code changes.
- Re-package distro because users get errors during testing. See RT#80709.
Since I had this same error during my testing, I assume the uploaded version contains un-patched
code. The errors are not in GraphViz, they are in the test code which has hard-coded line numbers
where it looks for strings in the output. The output has been reformatted recently, and no longer
matches those assumptions. See t/foo.t for details. Note: I did not write those tests :-).
2.12 Thu Nov 8 12:38:00 2012
- No code changes.
- For pre-reqs such as strict, warnings, etc, which ship with Perl, set the version # to 0.
Reported as RT#80663 by Father Chrysostomos for Tree::DAG_Node.
2.11 Tue Sep 18 08:22:00 2012
- Add VDX as an output format.
2.10 Mon Mar 26 10:11:00 2012
- Accept a patch kindly supplied by Alexander Kriegisch, to change handling of the rankdir attribute.
The valid values are BT, LR, RL or TB, or their lower-case equivalents.
Previously, only a true value was accepted, which meant LR. Now, any value not in that list defaults to LR.
Files changed: README, CHANGES, Changelog.ini, GraphViz.pm, GraphViz/Regex.pm and simple.t.
- Patch this file to replace BST with GMT, since both DateTime::Format::HTTP and DateTime::Format::Strptime
fail to recognize BST.
These modules are used by Module::Metadata::Changes to transform this file into Changelog.ini.
2.09 Thu Dec 15 11:08:00 2011
- Adopt Flavio Poletti's suggestion of trying to pipe to dot, in Build.PL/Makefile.PL, rather than using File::Which,
to see if dot (Graphviz) is installed. This (hopefully) solves the problem of using File::Which on systems where it is
not installed, before Build.PL/Makefile.PL has a chance to tell the user that File::Which is required. See: RT#73077.
2.08 Tue Nov 1 10:55:00 2011
- Wind back pre-reqs for various modules to match what was shipped with Perl V 5.8.1.
Many thanx to Brian Cassidy for the error report: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=72068.
2.07 Sun Oct 30 16:08:00 2011
- Rewrite Build.PL and Makefile.PL to try loading File::Which rather than assuming it is installed.
This avoids the chicken-and-egg problem whereby these 2 programs need File::Which::which to find 'dot'.
Many thanx to Richard Clamp for the error report: https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=71971.
2.06 Tue Oct 25 08:09:00 2011
- Add File::Which to the pre-reqs in Build.PL and Makefile.PL.
2.05 Thu Oct 20 10:52:00 2011
- Add 'Deprecated. See GraphViz2' to the docs.
- Add Build.PL.
- Add ability to set ORIENTATION. Thanx to Christian Lackas for the patch. See RT#71787.
- Add Changelog.ini.
- Add META.json, MYMETA.json and MYMETA.yml.
- Ensure all modules contain a version number.
- Update the docs regarding the list of modules shipped in this distro.
- Remove examples/remote.pl because GraphViz::Remote is no longer shipped.
- Clean up examples/clusters2.pl.
- Clean up Makefile.PL.