v3.0.12 released 2018-09-13 - Fixed bug PT-1611: pt-archiver fails with UTF-8 chars - Fixed bug PT-1574: pt-online-schema-change fails on UK and NULLs - Fixed bug PT-1572: Better usage of ENUM fields in keys in NibbleIterator - Fixed bug PT-1422: pt-mysql-summary may get stuck when Time: NULL in processlist - Improvement PT-1321: Add required MySQL privileges to pt-online-schema-change documentation v3.0.11 released 2018-07-06 - Improvement PT-1571 : Improved hostname recognition in pt-secure-collect - Fixed bug PT-1570 : pt-archiver fails to detect columns with the word GENERATED as part of the comment - Improvement PT-1569 : Disabled --alter-foreign-keys-method=drop_swap in pt-osc - Fixed bug PT-1563 : Fixed pt-show-grants for MySQL 5.6 - Improvement PT-1562 : pt-mysql-summary: Fix mysqld command for Travis - Fixed bug PT-1551 : pt-table-checksum fails on MySQL 8.0.11 - Improvement PT-242 : (pt-stalk) Include SHOW SLAVE STATUS on 5.7 - Fixed bug PT-241 : (pt-stalk) Slave queries doesn't run on 5.7 v3.0.10 released 2018-05-21 - Fixed bug PT-1556 : pt-table-checksum 3.0.9 doesn't change binlog_format to statement anymore - Improvement PT-1546 : Improved support of MySQL 8 roles - Improvement PT-1543 : Encrypted table status query causes high load over multiple minutes - Improvement PT-1536 : Add info about encrypted tablespaces in pt-mysql-summary - Feature PT-131 : Make pt-table checksum to disable QRT plugin - Feature PT-118 : pt-table-checksum report the number of rows of difference between master and slave v3.0.9 released 2018-04-17 - Feature PT-1530 : Add support for encryption status to mysql-summary - Feature PT-1526 : Add ndb status to pt-mysql-summary - Feature PT-1525 : Added support for MySQL 8 roles into pt-mysql-summary - Feature PT-1509 : Only set binlog_format when necessary - Feature PT-1508 : Adding --read-only-interval flag, and read-only check on wake-up - Improvement PT-1507 : pt-summary does not reliably read in the transparent huge pages setting - New tool PT-1501 : pt-secure-collect - New tool to collect and sanitize pt-tools outputs - Feature PT-243 : Adding --max-hostname-length and --max-line-length to pt-query-digest v3.0.8 released 2018-03-13 - Feature PT-1500 : add --secure-slowlog option to pt-query digest v3.0.7 released 2018-03-01 - Fixed Bug PT-244 : pt-online-schema-change --data-dir option broken for partitioned table - Feature PT-633 : Added --mysql-only option to pt-stalk for RDS - Fixed bug PT-1256: pt-table-sync does not use the character set for the table it is synchronizing - Fixed bug PT-1455: pt-osc is stuck when the table that is being altered is filtered out in the slave - Fixed bug PT-1485: pt-mysql-summary has broken Security section in versions bigger then 5.6 - Fixed bug PMM-1905: Explain fails if encounters negative "ntoreturn"
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# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.23 2018/09/17 14:17:20 fhajny Exp $
DISTNAME= percona-toolkit-3.0.12
CATEGORIES= databases
MASTER_SITES= http://www.percona.com/downloads/percona-toolkit/${PKGVERSION_NOREV}/source/tarball/
MAINTAINER= msporleder@gmail.com
HOMEPAGE= http://www.percona.com/software/percona-toolkit/
COMMENT= Advanced command-line tools for open-source databases (MySQL)
LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v2
USE_TOOLS+= perl bash:run sh:run
# Fix paths to bash and sh that were replaced by Perl's MakeMaker to
# point to the programs in the tools directory.
SUBST_STAGE.bash= post-build
SUBST_FILES.bash= blib/script/pt-ioprofile
SUBST_FILES.bash+= blib/script/pt-pmp
SUBST_FILES.bash+= blib/script/pt-sift
SUBST_FILES.bash+= blib/script/pt-stalk
SUBST_SED.bash+= -e 's|^\#!.*|\#!${TOOLS_PATH.bash}|'
SUBST_STAGE.sh= post-build
SUBST_FILES.sh= blib/script/pt-mext
SUBST_FILES.sh+= blib/script/pt-mysql-summary
SUBST_FILES.sh+= blib/script/pt-summary
SUBST_SED.sh+= -e 's|^\#!.*|\#!${TOOLS_PATH.sh}|'
DEPENDS+= p5-DBD-mysql-[0-9]*:../../databases/p5-DBD-mysql
#DEPENDS+= {perl>=5.7.3,p5-Time-HiRes-[0-9]*}:../../time/p5-Time-HiRes
PERL5_PACKLIST= auto/percona-toolkit/.packlist
.include "../../lang/perl5/module.mk"
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"