Changelog: ARM Support for the ARMv5 and ARMv5E architectures has been deprecated (which have no known implementations) and will be removed in a future GCC release. Note that ARMv5T, ARMv5TE and ARMv5TEJ architectures remain supported. The values armv5 and armv5e of -march are thus deprecated. The ARMv8.2-A architecture and the ARMv8.2-A 16-bit Floating-Point Extensions are now supported. They can be used by specifying the -march=armv8.2-a or -march=armv8.2-a+fp16 options. The 16-bit Floating-Point Extensions introduce new half-precision data processing floating-point instructions. The ARMv8-M architecture is now supported in its two architecture profiles: ARMv8-M Baseline and ARMv8-M Mainline with its DSP and Floating-Point Extensions. They can be used by specifying the -march=armv8-m.base, armv8-m.main or armv8-m.main+dsp options. Support has been added for the following processors (GCC identifiers in parentheses): ARM Cortex-A73 (cortex-a73), ARM Cortex-M23 (cortex-m23) and ARM Cortex-M33 (cortex-m33). The GCC identifiers can be used as arguments to the -mcpu or -mtune options, for example: -mcpu=cortex-a73 or -mtune=cortex-m33. A new command-line option -mpure-code has been added. It does not allow constant data to be placed in code sections. This option is only available when generating non-PIC code for ARMv7-M targets. Support for the ACLE Coprocessor Intrinsics has been added. This enables the generation of coprocessor instructions through the use of intrinsics such as cdp, ldc, and others. The configure option --with-multilib-list now accepts the value rmprofile to build multilib libraries for a range of embedded targets. See our installation instructions for details.
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$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.3 2017/05/16 17:52:18 ryoon Exp $
SHA1 (gcc-7.1.0.tar.gz) = a6dca81b25a97416211218f725b26f01e8063e05
RMD160 (gcc-7.1.0.tar.gz) = c4792606231ec48d2aa473afbe3498a310acf1a4
SHA512 (gcc-7.1.0.tar.gz) = 79fb15f0bb2ce8ac8436075a1b2ec864658b86dd0b4b4ae9930ff450686cf41caa9de20a17763e48bbcb73dddfd71cb9ab2134aaa592a0b2548ff24aba9be782
Size (gcc-7.1.0.tar.gz) = 108377377 bytes
SHA1 (newlib-2.5.0.tar.gz) = be1f1960bce564130a0cf9598e388fcc437169dc
RMD160 (newlib-2.5.0.tar.gz) = fc2beafe309701e02da3d2dff737236f67c0de4d
SHA512 (newlib-2.5.0.tar.gz) = 4c99e8dfcb4a7ad0769b9e173ff06628d82e4993ef87d3adf9d6b5578626b14de81b4b3c5f0673ddbb49dc9f3d3628f9f8d4432dcded91f5cd3d27b7d44343cd
Size (newlib-2.5.0.tar.gz) = 17912392 bytes
SHA1 (patch-contrib_download__prerequisites) = be9b02068b3d4d783e92bee66d480bb2bfe35a84
SHA1 (patch-gcc_system.h) = 72a75ff773b9b5f3d2f16f4ec7d29e032aba5f53
SHA1 (patch-libcc1_configure) = 0368733ddf79b109fcc7146b0baeb37ab31e634a
SHA1 ( = 2acd56a6f62b29ed3f02eecb7bf103e4564a442c
SHA1 ( = 7ea2578b5b77cb4adcd4afe3d63739efc68a1540