+ FTP/SSL: supported "AUTH TLS", on-demand FTP/SSL (with sslway -St)
+ HTTP: introduced HTTPCONF="cka-cfi" to force Keep-Alive with FCL/FTOCL
+ general: introduced src. addr. binding (SRCIF=host[:port[:proto:dst:src]])
+ general: introduced "-va" option (hidden log to be sent on ABORT)
+ SSLTUNNEL: introduced proxy auth. for SSLTUNNEL (by AUTH=pauthgen)
+ VSAP: introduced AUTH_VSAP (tentative)
+ FTP: enabled FCL/FSV=sslway for FTPS (implicit SSL)
+ NNTP: added client hostname to forbidden POST error log
+ MOUNT: new MountOption fo,bo,bif (ForwOnly,BackOnly,BackIfForw)
+ MOUNT: enabled dst=-host MountOption for servers as virtual hosts
+ genrail: made notify-mail include AbortLog and BackTrace
+ Socks: introduced "/-r" opt. (resolve locally, not on SocksV5 server)
+ Shio: added "c host:port" (connect to host:port without using shell)
+ HTTP: implemented AUTHORIZER and XECHO for HTTP
+ SSLway: introduced "-St" option to make STARTTLS be mandatory
+ FTP: supported MLSD command relay
+ general: randomized text and data segment address at compile time
+ general: introduced a time period in a week(-T.wWHHMM)
+ SSLway: inplemented STARTTLS for SMTP,POP,IMAP "-st[/protocol]"
+ SSLway: added "-pass {pass:string|file:path}"
+ SSLway: added error message about .pas to show what is necessary
+ MOUNT: extended matching and rewriting (ex. "*%1[a-b]%S *%(0)/%(1)")
+ MOUNT: reverse MOUNT for "*%(N)" in right hand rURL to left hand vURL
+ MOUNT: new abbreviation ///path -> =://=:=/path (the same proto&serv)
+ MOUNT: new abbreviation //serv/path -> =://serv/path (the same proto)
+ POP: supported AUTH without arguments
+ FTP: introduced FTPCONF=nodata (can be useful for FXP)
+ FTP:/HTTP: added logging in xferlog on FTP/HTTP (HTTPCONF=xferlog:ftp)
+ FTP: added (empty) successful response for HELP command
+ general: removed obsolete codes (FTPGET,FORCEON,HTTPMAIL,PUBLIC,?_?,etc)
+ general: stopped to use getmsg() with poll()
+ HTTP: HTTP-PROXY become controllable by CONNECT
+ FTP: modified PASV response format to be more acceptable by clients
+ HTTP: extended timeout for fflush/fclose (was shorten in 6.1.21)
+ HTTP: modified to accept resp. "HTTP" lacking "/X.X" (6.1.22)
+ FTP: changed FTP max. relative date in LIST to 6 month (from 11)
+ SSLway: changed to hide command line arguments and environmnet vars
+ MOUNT: added MOUNT="//* = default" for SERVER=imap
+ SSLway: fixed SEGV with the cc of SunOS4 (since 6.1.19)
+ SSLway: coped with multi-lines of opening message for STARTTLS
+ FTP: fixed not to apply server-side CFI for cached response
+ FTP: fixed CMAP switch for "ftp-data" protocol
+ INETD: enabled HTTP req. for "exec" protocol by INETD
+ INETD: fixed SEGV with INETD specification without arg-list
+ HTTP: fixed "nojava" for MOUNTed server with RELAY=no (since 6.1.20)
+ NNTP: fixed to MOUNT SERVER=nntp://host with "default"
+ FTP/HTTP: coped with WU-Ftpd/2.6.1 + DeleGate/Win32
+ SMTP: fixed SIGPIPE to server by slow DATA from client
+ NNTP: fixed to clean up zombis of NNTPCC
+ origin-NNTP: fixed spooling article at spool/ddd/dd (4.2.0)
+ MOUNT: fixed matching to the end of line (by "$")
+ general: fixed endless SEGVs by duplicate fclose() in notify-mail
+ FTP: revival of "RETR //user:pass@host/path" (5.7.1)
+ FTP: fixed possible overflows in "//user:pass@host" scanning
+ DNS: fixed infinite loop on recvfrom() error
+ HTTP: fixed MOUNT for virtual Host (moved,host=-xxx)
+ NNTP: fixed not to start INIT before all opening messages done
+ HTTP: fixed to fflush before doing sleep/Nice (for chained DeleGate)
+ HTTP: fixed [Reply] button in NNTP/HTTP (6.1.12)
+ SMTP: fixed to wait response for DATA before send QUIT in b.g. (6.0.0)
+ SSLway: enabled RSA tmp. key callback both for openSSL/SSLeay
+ HTTP: fixed "bad response" on EOF/timeout with server (6.1.22)
+ HTTP: fixed status respopnse via CGI/CFI (6.1.19)
+ NNTP: fixed jamming of multi-servers by timeout during startup
+ MOUNT: fixed SEGV on bad MOUNT parameter (non full-URL in right hand)
+ CRON: fixed "-expire" to follow CACHEDIR in symbolic link
+ FTP/HTTP: fixed to do cache FTP/HTTP with Authorization: anon-ftp
+ FTP/HTTP: fixed to do cache FTP/HTTP with URL ftp://ftp:pass@host
+ NNTP: fixed NNTPCC with SERVER=nntp://server
+ HTTP: fixed not to try HTML oriented conversion for plain text
+ HTTP: fixed not to regard "EOF on server reusing" as badServer
+ HTTP: extended to record "badServer" (ex. HTTP/1.1->NCSA/1.5.2)
+ SSI/HTTP: fixed to skip ">" character in quoted-string
+ Telnet: fixed aborting login with AUTHORIZER
+ FTP: fixed SEGV on bound proxy (SERVER=ftp://user:pass@server)
+ general: fixed memory wasting by repetitive randenv()
+ general: fixed putting uninit. buff. when invoked without args
+ SSLway: fixed to do RAND_seed first (for openSSL0.8.5 or later)
+ HTTP: fixed possible SEGV on uninit. buff. ref. for -_-/proto://...
+ HTTP: fix for removing charset in META tag (when no space after ";")
+ HTTP: fixed Content-Length in NNTP/HTTP with Accept-Language:(charset)
+ NNTP: fixed string buffer reallocation (1MB<size)
+ SMTPGATE: fixed SEGV on empty local part in recipient's address