youri 23233497ee Import cw-1.0.16 as misc/cw.
Cw is a non-intrusive real-time ANSI color wrapper for common unix-based
command. It is designed to simulate the environment of the commands being
executed, so that if a person types 'du', 'df', 'ping', etc.  in their
shell it will automatically color the output in real-time according to
a definition file containing the color format desired.  cw has support
for wildcard match coloring, tokenized coloring, headers/footers, case
scenario coloring, command line dependent definition coloring, and
includes over 50 pre-made definition files.
2015-06-04 20:27:53 +00:00

121 lines
4.9 KiB

$NetBSD:,v 1.1 2015/06/04 20:27:53 youri Exp $
Fix the Makefile for DESTDIR support.
--- 2010-06-20 04:39:51.000000000 +0000
@@ -2,101 +2,21 @@
- @$(ECHO) "* Type \"make local\" to just compile local binaries."
- @$(ECHO) "* Type \"make installlocal\" to compile/install in"\
- "your home directory."
- @$(ECHO) "* Type \"make install\" to compile/install globally."
+ $(CC) src/cw.c -o bin/cw @CFLAGS@ @LIBS@ @DEFS@
+ $(CC) src/cwu.c -o bin/cwu @CFLAGS@
- @$(ECHO) "* Compiling cw(color wrapper)..."
- @$(CC) src/cw.c -o bin/cw @CFLAGS@ @LIBS@ @DEFS@
- @$(ECHO) "* Compiling cwu(color wrapper directive updater)..."
- @$(CC) src/cwu.c -o bin/cwu @CFLAGS@
-local: cw cwu
-installlocal: cleanlocal local
- @$(ECHO) "* Installing color wrapper locally..."
- @$(MKDIR) -m 755 $(HOME)/.cw $(HOME)/.cw/bin $(HOME)/.cw/def $(HOME)/.cw/def/etc
- @for FILE in bin/*;do $(INSTALL) -m 755 $$FILE $(HOME)/.cw/bin/;done
- @$(LN) -sf $(HOME)/.cw/bin/cw $(HOME)/.cw/bin/cwe
- @$(ECHO) "* Installing color wrapper generic definition files..."
- @for FILE in def/*;do $(INSTALL) -m 755 $$FILE $(HOME)/.cw/def/;done
- @$(ECHO) "* Installing color wrapper generic header/footer files..."
- @for FILE in etc/*;do $(INSTALL) -m 644 $$FILE $(HOME)/.cw/def/etc/;done
- @$(ECHO) "* Updating definition files..."
- @bin/cwu $(HOME)/.cw/def/ $(HOME)/.cw/bin/cw
- @$(ECHO) "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- @$(ECHO) "* Complete, definitions are stored in: ~/.cw/def"
- @$(ECHO) "* For bash: place 'export PATH=\"~/.cw/def:\$$PATH\"'"\
- "at the end of ~/.bash_profile"
- @$(ECHO) "* For tcsh: place 'setenv PATH \"~/.cw/def:\$$PATH\"'"\
- "at the end of ~/.login"
- @$(ECHO) "* Or to automate the two lines above use the"\
- "\"~/.cw/bin/colorcfg\" command. (and add optional anti-coloring"\
- "precautions)"
- @$(ECHO) "* Once the desired shell(s) are setup, use the"\
- "\"~/.cw/bin/color\" command, or the environmental variable"\
- "NOCOLOR=1 to turn color wrapping on and off."
- @$(ECHO) ""
- @$(ECHO) "* PLEASE view the ./README file for more information if"\
- "you haven't already."
-install: cleanpub cw cwu
- @$(ECHO) "* Installing color wrapper..."
- @for FILE in bin/*;do $(INSTALL) -o 0 -g 0 -m 755 $$FILE $(BINDIR);done
- @$(LN) -sf $(BINDIR)/cw $(BINDIR)/cwe
- @$(ECHO) "* Installing color wrapper generic definition files..."
- @$(MKDIR) -m 755 $(LIBDIR)/cw/
- @for FILE in def/*;do $(INSTALL) -o 0 -g 0 -m 755 $$FILE $(LIBDIR)/cw/;done
- @$(ECHO) "* Installing color wrapper generic header/footer files..."
- @$(MKDIR) -m 755 $(LIBDIR)/cw/etc
- @for FILE in etc/*;do $(INSTALL) -o 0 -g 0 -m 644 $$FILE $(LIBDIR)/cw/etc;done
- @$(ECHO) "* Installing manual pages..."
- @for FILE in man/*;do $(INSTALL) -o 0 -g 0 -m 644 $$FILE $(MANDIR)/man1/;done
- @$(ECHO) "* Updating definition files..."
- @$(BINDIR)/cwu $(LIBDIR)/cw $(BINDIR)/cw
- @$(ECHO) "-----------------------------------------------------------"
- @$(ECHO) "* Complete, definitions are stored in: $(LIBDIR)/cw"
- @$(ECHO) "* For bash: place 'export PATH=\"$(LIBDIR)/cw:\$$PATH\"'"\
- "at the end of ~/.bash_profile(or /etc/profile globally)"
- @$(ECHO) "* For tcsh: place 'setenv PATH \"$(LIBDIR)/cw:\$$PATH\"'"\
- "at the end of ~/.login(or /etc/csh.login globally)"
- @$(ECHO) "* Or to automate the two lines above use the"\
- "\"colorcfg\" command. (and add optional anti-coloring precautions)"
- @$(ECHO) "* Once the desired shell(s) are setup, use the"\
- "\"color\" command, or the environmental variable NOCOLOR=1 to turn"\
- "color wrapping on and off."
- @$(ECHO) ""
- @$(ECHO) "* PLEASE view the ./README file for more information if"\
- "you haven't already."
- @$(ECHO) "* Cleaning compiling content..."
- @$(RM) -rf Makefile config.status config.cache config.log config.h\
- bin/cw bin/cwu bin/cw.exe bin/cwu.exe
- @$(ECHO) "* Cleaning local content..."
- @$(RM) -rf $(HOME)/.cw
- @$(ECHO) "* Cleaning cw and cwu binaries, and definitions..."
- @$(RM) -rf $(BINDIR)/cw $(BINDIR)/cwu $(BINDIR)/cwe\
- $(BINDIR)/cw.exe $(BINDIR)/cwu.exe $(BINDIR)/color $(BINDIR)/colorcfg\
- $(LIBDIR)/cw $(MANDIR)/man1/cw.1.gz $(MANDIR)/man1/cwu.1.gz\
- $(MANDIR)/man1/cwe.1.gz
-cleanall: clean cleanlocal cleanpub
+.PHONY: install
+ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/cw/etc
+ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)
+ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
+ install -pm 755 bin/cw $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/
+ install -pm 755 bin/cwu $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/
+ install -pm 755 bin/color $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/
+ install -pm 755 bin/colorcfg $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/
+ install -pm 755 def/* $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/cw/
+ install -pm 644 etc/* $(DESTDIR)$(LIBDIR)/cw/etc/