Add p5-Text-Diff as test dependency.
1.7.2 - "Entebbe"
* #247 - Omit unnecessary parent_id attribute added by GFF3Loader [nathanweeks]
* #245 - Code coverage fixes [zmughal,cjfields]
* #237 - Fix warning in Bio::DB::IndexedBase [willmclaren,bosborne]
* #238 - Use a Travis cron job for network tests [zmughal,cjfields]
* #218 - Bio::DB::Flat::BinarySearch should use _fh() instead of fh() as fh() does not take arguments in [thibauthourlier,bosborne]
* #227 - Bio::SeqIO Ignores first line of sequence [VAR121,bosborne]
* #223 - Use Travis Perl helper script and enable coverage [zmughal,cjfields]
* #222 - Fix test RemoteDB/Taxonomy.t: requires networking [zmughal,cjfields]
* #216 - Apply carsonhh's patch (Inline::C fixes) [carsonh,bosborne]
* #213 - Support FTS5 in Bio::DB::SeqFeature::Store::DBI::SQLite [nathanweeks,bosborne]
* #210 - Sorting qualifiers while write embl files [hdevillers,cjfields]
* #209 - Fixed bug in _toDsspKey() [jvolkening,hlapp]
[Code changes]
* PAML-related code from bioperl and bioperl-run are now in a separate distribution on CPAN [carandraug]