tex-hyperref{,-doc} to 7.00d tex-jsclasses to 2020 tex-kotex-oblivoir to 2.2.1 tex-latexconfig to 2020 tex-lettrine{,-doc} to 2.23 tex-listings{,-doc} to 1.8d tex-listofitems{,-doc} to 1.63 tex-moderncv{,-doc} to tex-ocgx2{,-doc} to 0.48 tex-overpic to 1.3 tex-parskip{,-doc} to 2.0d tex-pdfpages{,-doc} to 0.5q tex-pdftex{,-doc} to 2020 tex-pgf{,-doc} to 3.1.5b tex-pgfplots{,-doc} to 1.17 tex-pict2e{,-doc} to 0.3c tex-platex{,-doc} to 2020 tex-polyglossia{,-doc} to 1.49 tex-preview{,-doc} to 12.2 tex-ptex-base{,-doc} to 2020 tex-schwalbe-chess{,-doc} to 2.7 tex-siunitx{,-doc} to 2.8b tex-snapshot{,-doc} to 2.13 tex-subfiles{,-doc} to 1.6 tex-supertabular to 4.1g tex-latex-base-dev{,-doc} version 20201001pre5
5 lines
250 B
5 lines
250 B
The package is a free-standing part of the preview-latex
bundle. The package provides the support preview-latex needs,
when it chooses the matter it will preview. The output may
reasonably be expected to have other uses, as in html
translators, etc.