Ngspice-27, Aug 28th, 2017
- New features:
+ check for correct inductor coefficients
+ add variable 'win_console'
+ --enable-relpath configure flag to set preprocessor flag HAS_RELPATH
+ sets search path for spinit relativ to current directory
+ The search path for .spiceinit is: current dir, HOME dir, USERPROFILE dir
+ new function stddev to calculate the standard deviation of all elements of a vector
+ xspice digital n-input x m-output look-up table gate
+ xspice digital model d_lut (digital n-input look-up table gate)
+ add variable $sharedmode (if shared ngspice is running), to be used in scripts
+ enable msys2 for mingw compilation
+ OMP support for bsim3v3.24 model
+ bsim3v3.24: add model parameter lmlt (Channel length scaling)
+ OMP support for BSIM4.5 model
+ update and extension of command 'wrdata'
+ option xmu to set damping in trapezoid integration
+ command 'linearize' will take time data from transient analysis vector if no circuit
is loaded
+ two new commands: edisplay and eprvcd
+ 'edisplay' will show a list of all event nodes
+ 'eprvcd' will print all event nodes in vcd format
+ XSPICE 2D and 3D table models
+ add variable 'batchmode' which is set when command line option `-b' is active
+ enable backquote substitution for Visual Studio console apps
+ update how-to-ngspice-vstudio.txt
+ update visualc directory and project files, add XSPICE code model generation by VS2015
+ allow access to 4 GB memory of 32 bit ngspice on 64 bit Windows, 8 TB for 64 bit ngspice
+ new variable `interactive'
+ xspice, introduce cm_message_printf()
+ add variable `width' to command "print line ..."
+ support msys2
+ favor exponential temperatur equation if all parameters tc1, tc2 and tce are given for R
+ move libfftw3 sideways out of the ngspice tree
+ remove visual studio 2008 .vcproj files
+ visualc/sharedspice.vcxproj, updated and migrated with visual studio 2015
+ `E..table {expr} {pairs}', `G..', allow an optional `=' after `table'
+ `E..value=', `G..value=', allow `=' being optional
+ introduce TCE, exponential temperature coefficient for R
+ allow `temper' to be recognised when preceded by '='
+ allow cross-compilation, especially for MinGW-w64
+ allow "plot xlog ylog" (equiv to "plot loglog")
+ extend qa test to hisimhv version 2
+ update hisimhv model to version 2.2.0
+ update hisim model to version 2.8.0
+ .control variable "sqrnoise" to deliver noise data in squared representation
+ noise analysis, deliver results in V/sqrt(Hz) and A/sqrt(Hz)
+ add delvt0 for bsim4 models
+ bug fixes for diode model
+ allow a xspice circuit with exclusively xspice event nodes
+ man pages for cmpp ngmakeidx and ngproc2mod
+ implement `nint()'
+ everywhere: ln to the base e, log to the base e, log10 to the base 10
+ allow an optional '=' in ".func foo() = {expr}"
+ bsim4, update to version 4.8
+ update hisimhv to version 1.2.4
+ cmc quality check for bsim3 model
+ nested indexing for vectors
+ option savecurrents to save current through all devices
+ option interp to plot interpolated raw file data
+ MS VS 2010 project file added for compatibility
+ XSPICE: new callback function cm_get_path
- Bug fixes:
+ many, many ... as always
Ngspice-26, Jan 4th, 2014
- New features:
+ fft command may (optionally) use fftw3 library
+ add nint() rounding function
+ usage of 'temper' in behavioral devices
+ check for soa (safe operating area) in several device models
+ library processing rewritten completely to enhance ngspice
compatibility (.lib)
+ include file processing rewritten to allow nesting and various
absolute and relative path names (.inc)
+ asinh, acosh, atanh functions
+ shared ngspice option added: ngspice optionally compiles as
a shared object or dynamic link library
+ use a hash table to massively speed up parsing the netlist
+ implement a very basic .if/.else block
+ implement a signed power function `pwr' for controlled sources
+ implement multiplier `m' in F, G source
+ apply Area Calculation Method (ACM) to the bsim3v3.3 model
+ implement `tc1', `tc2' instance parameters
- Bug fixes:
+ many, many ... please see
and check the 'history' button on the upper right.
+ removed memory leaks
Ngspice-25, Jan 4th, 2013
- New features:
+ add temperature coefficients for B source
+ commands "mdump", "mrdump" to dump matrix to file
+ allow `time', `temper', and `hertz' in expressions with behavioral R, L, C
+ Enable ctrl-c to interrupt a simulation also for Windows GUI
+ tests/bsim4: use the standard CMC model qa check
+ implement exit code for command "quit"
+ .nodeset all = value
+ memristor code model in extradev
+ new scalable diode model including tunnel component
+ variable xtrtol may override the XSPICE reduction of trtol
+ XSPICE example: delta-sigma converter
+ XSPICE: new d_source model
+ new option noopac
+ bsim3: make additonal parameters accessible with @mxx[par]
+ enable Mac OS X compilation
+ option reseries = val
+ commands "snsave", "snload"
+ update hisim to version 2.7.0, new qa tests
+ hisimhv update to version 1.2.3, new qa tests
+ allow Ctrl-d to quit
+ jfet model temperature extension, tcv and bex parameter
+ speed up vector handling by hash table for vector address storage and retrieval
+ update PSS code
- Bug fixes:
+ many, many ... please see;a=shortlog;pg=0
+ remove memory leaks
+ update tclspice for MS Windows
+ adms3 removed due to licensing issues
Ngspice-24, Jan 29th, 2012
- New features:
+ .csparam allows to tranfer a param into a vector in .control ... .endc
+ functions floor and ceil
+ syntax Gxxx n1 n2 TABLE {expression} = (x0, y0) (x1, y1) (x2, y2)
+ syntax Gxxx n1 n2 value={equation} or Exxx n1 n2 value={equation}
+ variable strict_errorhandling to exit ngspice with exit code 1
if any error occurs during circuit parsing
+ command altermod allows reading from file
+ command "devhelp" to show available devices and describe device parameters
+ command "inventory" to print the number of istances of each device.
+ function cph(vec) delivers phase from a vector without jumps at +-PI
+ enable 64 bit compilation in MS Visual Studio
+ --adms3 flag to compile with (experimental) adms code
+ still very experimental pss code
+ command 'remcirc' to remove a circuit from the list
+ command 'wrdata' aknowledges appendwrite and prints complex variables
+ allow comment lines inside of command files
+ path variable NGSPICE_INPUT
+ 'Filesource' code model
- Bug fixes:
+ More on prototypes, type casts, reordering of functions, compiler warnings
+ fix a numerical problem in the hisim2 and hisimhv models
+ plot i(vdd) from a loaded rawfile
+ fix the guard for device generated internal nodes (via CKTmkVolt())
+ reduce memory leaks for command 'reset'
+ parameter processing for nested .subckt
+ bsim4/b4noi.c: correct init the correlated noise slot in noiseDens and lnNdens vector
+ Many small bugs