mef 1a541cfbce (devel/p5-PPIx-Regexp) Updated 0.67 to 0.71
0.071           2020-03-28      T. R. Wyant
    Recognize wildcard Unicode names (Perl 5.31.10).

    Try to get correct line number in derived PPI. This is done by
    injecting "\n" as needed. The initial #line directive becomes "#line
    2", but is suppressed if I need to generate line 1.

    Improve normalization of content for ppi(). This involves the
    un-bracketing of things like ${foo}.

    Deprecate new() argument postderef. At this stage it is only
    documented as deprecated. In the first release after October 1 2020
    it will warn on the first use. Eventually it will be retracted, and
    postfix dereferences will always be recognized. This is the default
    behavior now.

    Add dump argument/option 'short' which, if true, causes leading
    'PPIx::Regexp::' to be removed from class names.

0.070           2020-02-27      T. R. Wyant
    Add index_locations option to PPIx::Regexp->new(). This defaults to
    true if the regexp is specified as a PPI::Element object. The
    locations are consistent with the containing PPI::Document.

    Add methods location(), column_number(), line_number(),
    logical_filename(), logical_line_number(), and
    visual_column_number() to PPIx::Regexp::Element. All return undef if
    the locations could not be determined.

    Add method statement() to PPIx::Regexp::Element. This returns the
    PPI statement containing the regexp element, or nothing if none.

    Add method is_matcher() to PPIx::Regexp::Element. This classifies
    objects as to whether they actually match something in the target
    string. Possible returns are true (they do), false but defined (they
    do not) and undef (no clue).

    Add methods first_token() and last_token() to PPIx::Regexp::Node.

    Add methods next_token() and previous_token() to

0.069           2020-02-07      T. R. Wyant
    The PPIx::Regexp->new() 'parse' option is now fatal. This selected
    either string or regex parse. I consider the string parse a failed
    experiment. This is the latest step in removing it in favor of the
    PPIx::QuoteLike package.

0.068           2020-01-21      T. R. Wyant
    Expose PPIx::Regexp::Util::is_ppi_regexp_element()

    explain() on [[=x=]] now calls it a Character Equivalence.
    It's still a PPIx::Regexp::Token::CharClass::POSIX::Unknown (and
    therefore an error), though.
2020-04-16 13:37:43 +00:00

22 lines
710 B

# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.40 2020/04/16 13:37:43 mef Exp $
DISTNAME= PPIx-Regexp-0.071
CATEGORIES= devel perl5
COMMENT= Represent a regular expression of some sort
DEPENDS+= p5-List-MoreUtils-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-List-MoreUtils
DEPENDS+= p5-PPI>=1.117:../../devel/p5-PPI
DEPENDS+= p5-Task-Weaken-[0-9]*:../../devel/p5-Task-Weaken
PERL5_PACKLIST= auto/PPIx/Regexp/.packlist
PERL5_MODULE_TYPE= Module::Build
.include "../../lang/perl5/"
.include "../../mk/"