* Connector/C++ now supports the following connection options: sslVerify (boolean), sslCRL (string), and sslCRLPath (string). These correspond to the MYSQL_OPT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT, MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CRL, and MYSQL_OPT_SSL_CRLPATH options for the mysql_options() C API function.
* Connector/C++ has new functions to provide schema, table, and column character set and collation metadata for result sets:
ResultSet * DatabaseMetaData::getSchemaCollation(const sql::SQLString& catalog, const sql::SQLString& schemaPattern)
ResultSet * DatabaseMetaData::getSchemaCharset(const sql::SQLString& catalog, const sql::SQLString& schemaPattern)
ResultSet * DatabaseMetaData::getTableCollation(const sql::SQLString& catalog, const sql::SQLString& schemaPattern, const sql::SQLString& tableNamePattern)
ResultSet * DatabaseMetaData::getTableCharset(const sql::SQLString& catalog, const sql::SQLString& schemaPattern, const sql::SQLString& tableNamePattern)
SQLString ResultSetMetaData::getColumnCollation(unsigned int columnIndex)
SQLString ResultSetMetaData::getColumnCharset(unsigned int columnIndex)
* Connector/C++ now supports the MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_ADD option, which accepts an std::map argument. This option corresponds to the MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_ATTR_ADD option for mysql_options4().
* Connector/C++ now supports a useLegacyAuth connection option, which corresponds to the MYSQL_SECURE_AUTH option for mysql_options().
* Connector/C++ is now compiled and linked with Connector/C 6.1.5 rather than with libmysql.
Bugs Fixed
* MySQL_ResultSetMetaData::getColumnTypeName() returned UNKNOWN for LONG_BLOB fields.
* Definitions for character sets and collations were added (utf8mb4 in particular).
* Connector/C++ version-information methods have been revised to return the correct values.