minskim 2b848cd101 Import tex-minitoc-60 as print/tex-minitoc.
The minitoc package allows you to add mini-tables-of-contents (minitocs)
at the beginning of every chapter, part or section. There is also
provision for mini-lists of figures and of tables. At the part level,
they are parttocs, partlofs and partlots. If the type of document does
not use chapters, the basic provision is section level secttocs,
sectlofs and sectlots. The package has provision for language-specific
configuration of its own "fixed names", using .mld files (analagous to
babel .ldf files that do that job for LaTeX"s own fixed names).
2011-01-22 22:23:57 +00:00

8 lines
551 B

The minitoc package allows you to add mini-tables-of-contents (minitocs)
at the beginning of every chapter, part or section. There is also
provision for mini-lists of figures and of tables. At the part level,
they are parttocs, partlofs and partlots. If the type of document does
not use chapters, the basic provision is section level secttocs,
sectlofs and sectlots. The package has provision for language-specific
configuration of its own "fixed names", using .mld files (analagous to
babel .ldf files that do that job for LaTeX"s own fixed names).