Changes from 0.10:
0.12 Mon Aug 20 16:06:50 PDT 2007
- Make this a release
0.11_03 Wed Jun 20 12:12:36 PDT 2007
- Fixed a bug in backward-compatiblity code to handle multiple
hooks in one add_trigger() call. (Thanks to mark addison)
0.11_02 Sun Jun 10 18:09:58 PDT 2007
- Added a test to make sure $_ is not clobbered
(Thanks to mark addison)
- Killed the hidden feature to add multiple hooks in one
add_trigger() call because it interfers with named parameter style
calls. (Thanks to clkao)
0.11_01 Mon May 28 21:03:03 PDT 2007
- Added support for abortable triggers.
- Added named-parameters calling convention for add_trigger
- Added new last_trigger_results method and began capturing trigger return values.
- FUNCTIONALITY CHANGE: When no triggers are called for a trigger point, the return value is now '0', not undef.
(Thanks to Jesse Vincent)
0.11 Thu Feb 22 19:02:09 PST 2007
- Fixed a bug due to Class::Data::Inheritable, where
triggers added to the superclass after trigger is added in
the child class are ignored in the child class.
See t/03_inherit.t for example.
(Thanks to Brad Choate, Yann Kerherve, Ben Trott and Fumiaki Yoshimatsu)