adam b344467e2c 0.20.3
Bug Fixes
* Fixed a bug in failing to compute rolling computations of a column-MultiIndexed DataFrame
* Fixed a pytest marker failing downstream packages’ tests suites

* Bug in pickle compat prior to the v0.20.x series, when UTC is a timezone in a Series/DataFrame/Index
* Bug in Series construction when passing a Series with dtype='category'.
* Bug in DataFrame.astype() when passing a Series as the dtype kwarg..

* Bug in Float64Index causing an empty array instead of None to be returned from .get(np.nan) on a Series whose index did not contain any NaN s
* Bug in MultiIndex.isin causing an error when passing an empty iterable
* Fixed a bug in a slicing DataFrame/Series that have a TimedeltaIndex

* Bug in read_csv() in which files weren’t opened as binary files by the C engine on Windows, causing EOF characters mid-field, which would fail
* Bug in read_hdf() in which reading a Series saved to an HDF file in ‘fixed’ format fails when an explicit mode='r' argument is supplied
* Bug in DataFrame.to_latex() where bold_rows was wrongly specified to be True by default, whereas in reality row labels remained non-bold whatever parameter provided.
* Fixed an issue with where generated element ids were not unique
* Fixed loading a DataFrame with a PeriodIndex, from a format='fixed' HDFStore, in Python 3, that was written in Python 2

* Fixed regression that prevented RGB and RGBA tuples from being used as color arguments
* Fixed an issue with DataFrame.plot.scatter() that incorrectly raised a KeyError when categorical data is used for plotting

* PeriodIndex / TimedeltaIndex.join was missing the sort= kwarg
* Bug in joining on a MultiIndex with a category dtype for a level.
* Bug in merge() when merging/joining with multiple categorical columns

* Bug in DataFrame.sort_values not respecting the kind parameter with categorical data
2017-07-14 10:17:02 +00:00
distinfo 0.20.3 2017-07-14 10:17:02 +00:00
Makefile 0.20.3 2017-07-14 10:17:02 +00:00
PLIST 0.20.3 2017-07-14 10:17:02 +00:00