Format documents in APA style (6th edition) Add tex-biblatex-apa{,-doc} 7.4 BibLaTeX citation and reference style for APA Add tex-continue{,-doc} 0.1 Prints 'continuation' marks on recto pages of multipage documents Add tex-cutwin{,-doc} 0.1 Cut a window in a paragraph, typeset material in it Add tex-hang{,-doc} 2.1 Environments for hanging paragraphs and list items Add tex-hanging{,-doc} 1.2b Hanging paragraphs Add tex-leading{,-doc} 0.3 Define leading with a length Add tex-mfirstuc{,-doc} 2.04 Uppercase the first letter of a word Add tex-thmtools{,-doc} 66 Extensions to theorem environments
1 line
31 B
1 line
31 B
Documentation for tex-leading.