adam f0443c8328 Release 0.10.2
- fix recognizing whether mocked object is a method or not on Python 3

Release 0.10.1
- fix decode problem in on Python 3

Release 0.10.0
- new official upstream repository:
- new official homepage:
- adopted the official BSD 2-clause license
- add support for calling flexmock module directly
- add support for mocking keyword-only args
- add support for Python 3.4 and 3.5
- drop support for Python 2.4, 2.5, 3.1 and 3.2
- add ``__version__`` attribute to flexmock module
- add various metadata to the package archive
- fix properly find out whether function is method or not
  and thanks to that don't strip first args of functions
- fix should_call to work when function returns ``None`` or ``False``
- fix various py.test issues
- fix ``CallOrderError`` with same subsequent mocking calls
- fix PyPy support issues
- various code style issues were fixed, 4-spaces indent is now used
2017-07-22 12:40:01 +00:00

6 lines
411 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.3 2017/07/22 12:40:01 adam Exp $
SHA1 (flexmock-0.10.2.tar.gz) = 4645c1d86b4976a873ab5922342f31bc28d41ac9
RMD160 (flexmock-0.10.2.tar.gz) = 030d39b99996c1387967cd40d1be6eeee281e554
SHA512 (flexmock-0.10.2.tar.gz) = 6824da47af260a93ad685b66bcbd2d9a93f98eec218242e0dd9ef885594d9218e4c7170c832a0b3ea3cf201896ec1efc2afacbffe1fc5dab032240369d7b3ac3
Size (flexmock-0.10.2.tar.gz) = 44425 bytes