recht b53fa27a66 update to 0.8.13
Version 0.8.13   - 18 November 2003
  * Add -s/--shadowbuiltin option to warn when overriding a builtin
  * Add warning when assigning a variable to itself
  * Add warning when dividing a variable by itself
  * Add warnings when using a bit-wise operator with the same variable (a & a)
  * Add warning when passing a constant string to getattr()/setattr()
  * Add --special option to check for __special__ (reserved) method names
    and that their signature (argument count) is correct
  * Add warning for using __getattribute__ in an old-style class
  * Suppress 'self as first argument' warning for static and class methods
  * Add --classmethodargs option to specify first argument name
    for class methods
2003-12-02 23:37:26 +00:00

5 lines
236 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.3 2003/12/02 23:37:26 recht Exp $
SHA1 (pychecker-0.8.13.tar.gz) = 945f9ccb5d2ef543d17c123114c5b6b0416370d9
Size (pychecker-0.8.13.tar.gz) = 119974 bytes
SHA1 (patch-aa) = ef0328a153878fde74679c9480d60e80ffc3ffa0