wiz d2526ada6e Update to 1.10.7:
Version 1.10.7:
 * Add-ons server:
   * Restricted names (not titles) for newly uploaded add-ons to ASCII hyphens,
     underlines, and alphanumerical characters. Previously uploaded add-ons
     are exempt from this change.
 * Graphics:
   * New portraits for HttT
 * Language and i18n:
   * Updated translations: Chinese (Traditional), French, Galician, Indonesian,
     Japanese, Old English, Polish, Portuguese, Portuguese (Brazil), Russian,
     Scottish Gaelic, Vietnamese
 * Networking:
   * Handle an exception in the SDL_net-based network code (bug #20205)
 * User interface:
   * Fixed (bug #17220): Cursor in gui2 text box now behaves appropriately after
     text box overflow occurs.
   * Fix viewport centering issues with actions such as the Next Unit command,
     and the [scroll_to], [scroll_to_unit], and [message] WML actions (bug #18793).
 * WML engine:
   * Fixed invalid memory access issues caused by subnamespaced persistent WML
     variables (bug #20385).
   * Fixed incorrect image path function name in error messages generated by
     using ~CROP() with negative coordinates.
 * Miscellaneous and bug fixes
   * Improved: Autorevision based revision numbers in CMake.
   * Fixed the recall list sometimes getting confused when dismissing a recall.
   * Prevent unchecked memory access in cut_surface()
   * Fixed bug #20853 ("WML child missing yet untested for" when loading some
   * Backported several bugfixes for wmllint (Windows-unfriendliness on the
     command line, unusual crashers, underscores stripped from keys).
2014-10-28 13:17:32 +00:00

11 lines
658 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.51 2014/10/28 13:17:32 wiz Exp $
SHA1 (wesnoth-1.10.7.tar.bz2) = 86e329585244c377a1863f64dd534bc7bbcc7acf
RMD160 (wesnoth-1.10.7.tar.bz2) = 0d4b320833957fe67a9b5967083068a9d33b5889
Size (wesnoth-1.10.7.tar.bz2) = 347431490 bytes
SHA1 (patch-CMakeLists.txt) = 1f17a95793db0d311508f1ff93f9aacedc7782f9
SHA1 (patch-ae) = 9e0ee531c33da80565791d81f716b313fa85af18
SHA1 (patch-af) = ea79f12c5bc44927a7a677a830cdd00a130501db
SHA1 (patch-ah) = b63017ae43c4748aced31ab64dc141682e535ff2
SHA1 (patch-src_construct__dialog.hpp) = cc049d26256b7103348dd263d3477b623dd5dbb6
SHA1 (patch-src_filechooser.cpp) = e92c2553470ae3d73fe24f4ecefbaefb5d7b5cdd