mef 14d654ca28 Updated devel/p5-Dist-Zilla to 6.009
6.009     2017-03-04 11:16:37-05:00 America/New_York
        - update DateTime::TimeZone prereq on Win32 to improve workingness
          (thanks, Schwern!)
        - add --recommends and --requires and --suggests to listdeps
        - improve testing of listdeps (thanks, Mickey Nasriachi!)
        - Module::Runtime is now considered 'internal' for the purpose of
          carping (thanks, Karen Etheridge!)
        - ./tmp is now pruned by PruneCruft (thanks, Karent Etheridge!)
        - authordeps now picks up :version for the root section (thanks,
        - the config loading of the "perl" config loader is more reliable, but
          still please don't use it (thanks, Karen!)
        - introducing a new plugin, [GatherFile], to support adding individual
          files to the distribution (thanks, Karen!)
2017-03-20 10:06:51 +00:00

6 lines
416 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.18 2017/03/20 10:06:51 mef Exp $
SHA1 (Dist-Zilla-6.009.tar.gz) = fbce2fd25c4658b0f3cd92edb119293e46389971
RMD160 (Dist-Zilla-6.009.tar.gz) = c50ee07a3a7d8af9efee1e6236f5859b9abf377b
SHA512 (Dist-Zilla-6.009.tar.gz) = 1bf33138838b8b718fdf0710c36d5106c29ff8dd775d10dc2aa96d3e628f3b889e3eb909cd5766f01709449b3f02e7f32b6222935a86ba7403eaa0d8d4071d9d
Size (Dist-Zilla-6.009.tar.gz) = 197735 bytes