obache 3bd6aba41e Import p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-AES-0.02 as security/p5-Crypt-OpenSSL-AES.
Based on PR 39222 by Jens Rehsack.

This module implements a wrapper around OpenSSL. Specifically, it wraps the
methods related to the US Government's Advanced Encryption Standard (the
Rijndael algorithm).
This module is compatible with Crypt::CBC (and likely other modules that
utilize a block cipher to make a stream cipher).
This module is an alternative to the implementation provided by Crypt::Rijndael
which implements AES itself. In contrast, this module is simply a wrapper
around the OpenSSL library.
The Crypt::Rijndael implementation seems to produce inaccurate results on
64-bit x86 machines. By using OpenSSL, this module aims to avoid architecture
specific problems, allowing the OpenSSL maintainers to overcome such issues.
2008-08-24 09:09:38 +00:00

5 lines
275 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 2008/08/24 09:09:38 obache Exp $
SHA1 (Crypt-OpenSSL-AES-0.02.tar.gz) = 978a81dcde6c66203da0ac5aeb7d3a22c8114df4
RMD160 (Crypt-OpenSSL-AES-0.02.tar.gz) = de73f4a6c39f81c60eeee5a1e66426382ad5adac
Size (Crypt-OpenSSL-AES-0.02.tar.gz) = 12487 bytes