- Fixed a bug where a decorated method caused false positive failures on
Changes 4.0.4:
- Fixed a bug that was revealed by porting zope.traversing. During a loop, the
loop body modified a weakref dict causing a ``RuntimeError`` error.
Changes 4.0.3:
- Fleshed out PyPI Trove classifiers.
Changes 4.0.2:
- Added support for Python 3.3.
- Restored ability to install the package in the absence of ``setuptools``.
- LP 1055223: Fix test which depended on dictionary order and failed randomly
in Python 3.3.
Changes 4.0.1:
- Dropped explicit ``DeprecationWarnings`` for "class advice" APIS (these
APIs are still deprecated under Python 2.x, and still raise an exception
under Python 3.x, but no longer cause a warning to be emitted under
Python 2.x).