Lziprecover has been moved to its own package. Inability to change output file attributes has been downgraded from error to warning. Compression time of option "-0" has been reduced by 2%. A reorganization of the compression code has been made. A small change has been made in the "--help" output and man page. Quote characters in messages have been changed as advised by GNU Coding Standards. Configure option "--datadir" has been renamed to "--datarootdir" to follow GNU Standards.
5 lines
229 B
5 lines
229 B
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.3 2012/03/14 14:39:59 wiz Exp $
SHA1 (lzip-1.13.tar.gz) = 320175e693d9c373d345faac3c51a71b9a3980bc
RMD160 (lzip-1.13.tar.gz) = 031335689677f6ccd6278cbccb78145e238e82bf
Size (lzip-1.13.tar.gz) = 90380 bytes