mef 68e55309b0 (geography/R-sf) Updated 0.9.5 to 0.9.8
# version 0.9-8

* add `st_as_sf` method for terra's `SpatVector` class; #1567

* `distinct.sf` works by default on all variables, and keeps active geometry
  afctive; #1613

* improve (fix?) polygonize/contour code; #1608

* `sf_proj_network()` reports whether PROJ uses network (CDN) grids, can switch
  it on or off, and can set the CDN url.

* `st_write` returns obj, invisibly; #1597

* fix regression in n-ary `st_intersection()`, #1595, introduced at #1549

* `st_inscribed_circle` computes the maximum inscribed circle for polygons
  (requires GEOS >= 3.9.0)

  GEOMETRYCOLLECTION (and back); #1573

* Fixed a bug in `st_as_grob()` when plotting a mix of MULTI and non-MULTI
  geometries of the same base type

# version 0.9-7

* n-ary `st_intersection` skips failing geometries, rather than returning an
  error; #1549

* use `s2_centroid` for geographical coordinates if `sf_use_s2()` is `TRUE`.

* `st_as_text` method for `crs` objects can return projjson (if GDAL >= 3.1.0
  and PROJ > 6.2.0)

* `st_transform` no longer warns on conversions like `"+proj=ob_tran
  +o_proj=longlat +o_lat_p=45 +o_lon_p=30"`

* `st_as_wkb` takes `srid` from `wkt` field of `crs` when `input` field doesn't
  contain it; #1490

* `plot.sf` adds `key.pos=0` option to run the logic behind the key without
  plotting it; #1487

* fix bug in `select.sf` when selected variables were renamed; #1483

* `st_as_sf.stars` with `merge = TRUE` now works if crs is `NA`; #1389

* add (dynamically loaded) `as_wkb` methods for `sf`, `sfc` and `sfg`, making
  `st_as_s2()` unnecessary

* `st_as_s2` transforms non-longlat objects to EPSG:4326 first

# version 0.9-6

* `gdal_utils` print (GDAL-style) progress bar if `quiet = FALSE` (except for
  `info` and `mdiminfo`)

* fix `CPL_gdal_warper` for multi bands;

* `sf_proj_search_paths()` retrieves and sets the proj search path (if GDAL > 3.0.3)

* when loading sf, `sf_use_s2` is set to `FALSE` unless environment variable
  `_SF_USE_S2` equals `true`

* resolve GDAL/PROJ version vulnerabilities in CRS-crs conversion; #1479

* `st_sample` gains an argument, `by_polygon`, to more clevery sample
  `MULTIPOLYGON` geometries; #1480

* `st_sample` accepts non-integer sample sizes, with a (suppressable) warning
  and handles values of sizes that would round to zero; #1480

* `gdal_utils` adds utils `mdiminfo` and `mdimtranslate` (requires GDAL >= 3.1)

* `st_union` gains an argument `is_coverage`, which, when set to `TRUE`, leads
  to much faster unioning in case features form a coverage (polygons don't
  overlap); #1462 by Don Baston

* fix `gdal_utils("translate")` locking input file; #1452

* `st_make_grid` no longer selects cells intersecting with `x`; #1447

* use `s2::s2_dwithin_matrix` in `st_is_within_distance`; #1367
2021-06-06 14:45:22 +00:00
distinfo (geography/R-sf) Updated 0.9.5 to 0.9.8 2021-06-06 14:45:22 +00:00
Makefile (geography/R-sf) Updated 0.9.5 to 0.9.8 2021-06-06 14:45:22 +00:00