ryoon dca2b36e68 Update to 10.5.4
   3.7 newlispdoc cleanup ";; *" regex

   New FFI ffi.h include directory in makefile_linux* when installing libffi

   Fix for last list element optimization in push, pop and pop-assoc when
   popping and inserting last element

   Accessing a deleted context will never hang but give an error message

   Some changes in nl-filesys.c for AIX and new makefile for AIX ILP32

   On Windows: a fix for correctly closing logfiles initiated by newlisp -l or
   newlisp -L and for closing files created by the HTTP PUT operation.

   Two sample 't-test' when variances are different (independent samples) with
   new syntax:
        (t-test <list-vector-A> <list-vector-B> <float-probabilty>)
   When <float-probabilty> is specified, an internal F-test for variance
   equality in data A and B is performed. If the probablity of F is
   smaller than <float-probabilty>, then Welch's variant of the t-test for
   independent samples is performed. Using 1.0 <float-probabilty>, Welch
   can be forced even when variances are not significantly different.

   One sample 't-test' using new syntax pattern:
        (t-test <list-vector-data> <float-value>)
   Gives the two-tailed probability that observed mean is differs from <float-value>
   Instead of sdev for second list-vector the standard error for the observed mean
   is reported.

   Some cleanup and changes in scripts (makefiles) for binary installers
2013-10-12 10:30:40 +00:00

7 lines
375 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.8 2013/10/12 10:30:40 ryoon Exp $
SHA1 (newlisp-10.5.4.tgz) = a1fa37eb21f8045858a30493429d243ababc2488
RMD160 (newlisp-10.5.4.tgz) = 389e6522d2e2629dbba5235ae7cda979b596749b
Size (newlisp-10.5.4.tgz) = 1637762 bytes
SHA1 (patch-configure-alt) = f8669b8432fe460af18d0f2d3d1135debfd74654
SHA1 (patch-newlisp.c) = 0ec358377dcae961d89fbbf00474e2feda3f53ae