adam febe8b0644 Changes 0.90:
- Better Spectrum 512 support (60Hz support, improved I/O memory waitstates).
- STE right border opening support (used in Obsession, Pacemaker).
- Blitter Smudge mode support (used in Pacemaker demo).
- Wheel-mouse simulates cursor up and down.
- Work-around to FDC handling, --slow-fdc option is not anymore needed.
- Bugfix to MFP, sound works now in more YMRockerz releases.
- Bugfix to GEMDOS path handling (Hatari SIGSEGV).
- Bugfix to emulated memory initialization (4MB was cleared earlier, now
  exactly the amount set up for Hatari.  Saves memory on embedded systems
  if less than 4MB is specified.)
- Re-written command-line option handling.
- (Again) lots of code const/static, type usage and indentation cleanup.
- Preliminary support for TOS 3.0x and 030 TT software that runs in ST
  resolutions and doesn't need PMMU.
- Native GUI for Mac OSX.
- ACSI emulation fixes to get HD formatting to work with AHDI 5. HD emulation
  now works quite fine with AHDI 5 (but other HD drivers are currently not
- Joystick shortcut changed to toggle cursor emulation between ports 0 and 1.
- Keys for all Hatari shortcuts can now be configured from hatari.cfg.
- Added command line option for setting ST keyboard mapping.
- Joystick command line option requires now parameter for a port for which
  the joystick cursor emu is enabled.
- Fixed relative mouse event handling in zoomed low-rez.
- Hatari shows now more of the bottom borden (screen size is now 384x276
  instead of 384x267).
- Fixed sync delay timings - sound should now be better (e.g. on Mac OS X).
2006-09-10 21:58:14 +00:00

6 lines
296 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.9 2006/09/10 21:58:14 adam Exp $
SHA1 (hatari-0.90.tar.gz) = d8f707cd5346b42aef431ce55100ca62ff229b3c
RMD160 (hatari-0.90.tar.gz) = 914b97dd914329af858c6c0630671399b5231d78
Size (hatari-0.90.tar.gz) = 687029 bytes
SHA1 (patch-aa) = 1ebe2f92ee176cf5d5b1e4a7c5e2143b1d766ea8