Catalyst plugin to force the application to restart server processes when they reach a configurable memory threshold. Memory checks are performed every 'N' requests. This is intended as a band-aid to deal with problems like memory leaks; it's here to buy you time to find and solve the underlying issues.
5 lines
302 B
5 lines
302 B
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 2008/10/31 11:50:42 abs Exp $
SHA1 (Catalyst-Plugin-AutoRestart-0.92.tar.gz) = 666448681407cd609ec6c864897da1762ed236f8
RMD160 (Catalyst-Plugin-AutoRestart-0.92.tar.gz) = 58e472b4313feb6848ced38d92d40753f33ff2d8
Size (Catalyst-Plugin-AutoRestart-0.92.tar.gz) = 20266 bytes