mjl f68cba2f1d Import p5-Locale-Maketext 1.08
It is a common feature of applications (whether run directly, or via
the Web) for them to be "localized" -- i.e., for them to a present an
English interface to an English-speaker, a German interface to a
German-speaker, and so on for all languages it's programmed with.
Locale::Maketext is a framework for software localization; it provides
you with the tools for organizing and accessing the bits of text and
text-processing code that you need for producing localized applications.
2004-05-13 08:32:17 +00:00

4 lines
186 B

$NetBSD: distinfo,v 2004/05/13 08:32:17 mjl Exp $
SHA1 (Locale-Maketext-1.08.tar.gz) = fe2f78a6c4a1213e0dd3287108c6ae19bd3b495b
Size (Locale-Maketext-1.08.tar.gz) = 46992 bytes