-------------- Version 2.31b: -------------- - Changed havoc cycle counts for a marked performance boost, especially with -S / -d. See the discussion of FidgetyAFL in: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/afl-users/fOPeb62FZUg While this does not implement the approach proposed by the authors of the CCS paper, the solution is a result of digging into that research; more improvements may follow as I do more experiments and get more definitive data. -------------- Version 2.30b: -------------- - Made minor improvements to persistent mode to avoid the remote possibility of "no instrumentation detected" issues with very low instrumentation densities. - Fixed a minor glitch with a leftover process in persistent mode. Reported by Jakub Wilk and Daniel Stender. - Made persistent mode bitmaps a bit more consistent and adjusted the way this is shown in the UI, especially in persistent mode. -------------- Version 2.29b: -------------- - Made a minor #include fix to llvm_mode. Suggested by Jonathan Metzman. - Made cosmetic updates to the docs. -------------- Version 2.28b: -------------- - Added "life pro tips" to docs/. - Moved testcases/_extras/ to dictionaries/ for visibility. - Made minor improvements to install scripts. - Added an important safety tip. -------------- Version 2.27b: -------------- - Added libtokencap, a simple feature to intercept strcmp / memcmp and generate dictionary entries that can help extend coverage. - Moved libdislocator to its own dir, added README. - The demo in experimental/instrumented_cmp is no more. -------------- Version 2.26b: -------------- - Made a fix for libdislocator.so to compile on MacOS X. - Added support for DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES. - Renamed AFL_LD_PRELOAD to AFL_PRELOAD. -------------- Version 2.25b: -------------- - Made some cosmetic updates to libdislocator.so, renamed one env variable. -------------- Version 2.24b: -------------- - Added libdislocator.so, an experimental, abusive allocator. Try it out with AFL_LD_PRELOAD=/path/to/libdislocator.so when running afl-fuzz.
17 lines
452 B
17 lines
452 B
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.48 2016/08/19 11:39:10 wiz Exp $
DISTNAME= afl-2.31b
MASTER_SITES= http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/afl/releases/
MAINTAINER= pkgsrc-users@NetBSD.org
HOMEPAGE= http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/afl/
COMMENT= American Fuzzy Lop, a fuzzing tool for finding bugs by random input
LICENSE= apache-2.0
USE_TOOLS+= bash:run gmake
REPLACE_SH+= afl-plot
REPLACE_BASH+= afl-cmin
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"