Changelog: r350 2014-10-12 1.15.1895.102 - r323 2014-08-24 1.15.1869.102 You can check out Mozc r350 as follows. gclient sync --revision=350 Summary of changes between 1.15.1869.102 (r323) and 1.15.1895.102 (r350). Build related changes: Android build is now tested with NDK r10b only Ubuntu 14.04 is now experimentally supported as a build environment. See mozc/docker/ubuntu14.04/Dockerfile. Fixed issues: FIX: Partial suggestion for numbers are not annotated by <部分確定> ( Issue 250 ) FIX: Meaningless candidates are displayed on the Start Screen in Windows 8 and later ( Issue 249 ) Commit summary: r350: Use StringPiece to avoid unnecessary instantiation of std::string r349: Introduce Util::ConcatStrings to reduce string copy r348: Do not make the destructor virtual unless it is necessary part 2 r347: Do nothing if the key string passed to the converter is empty r346: Fix Year 2038 Problem in UserHistoryStorage r345: Do not make the destructor virtual unless it is necessary r344: Add supportedOS GUID for Windows 10 r343: Use apt command instead of apt-get command in Ubuntu 14.04 r342: Tidy up UserHistoryPredictor::InsertHistory r341: Reorder logical AND conditions just for readability r340: Remove a redundant length check r339: Roll jsoncpp 4b687640cbc197e8:11086dd6a7eba042 r338: Roll gyp r1972:r1987 r337: Roll breakpad r1354:r1374 r336: Use Util::EndsWith when appropriate r335: Stop unnecessarily using uint64 variable for uint32 data part 2 r334: Stop unnecessarily using uint64 variable for uint32 data r333: Fix a typo in a test name r332: Fix style violations in header include guards r331: Propagate information of partial suggestion in the number rewriter r330: Add an all-in-one Dockerfile to build Mozc for Android and Linux desktop (Ubuntu 14.04 edition) r329: Disable ITfFnSearchCandidateProvider until ITfIntegratableCandidateListUIElement is implemented r328: Use Android NDK r10b in the reference build environment part 2 r327: Use Android NDK r10b in the reference build environment r326: Make sure to use correct 'NM' and 'READELF' in cross build r325: Roll gyp r1958:r1971 r324: Update copyright year notice in the about dialog r323: Update line number attributes in Qt message files r318 2014-08-17 1.15.1868.102 - r307 2014-08-03 1.15.1857.102 You can check out Mozc r318 as follows. gclient sync --revision=318 Summary of changes between 1.15.1868.102 (r318) and 1.15.1857.102 (r307). Build related changes: Visual C++ 2013 is now supported to build Mozc binaries. ( Issue 244 ) Fixed issues: FIX: Support Visual C++ 2013 ( Issue 244 ) FIX: 'Set input mode to X' commands do not work while input mode is set to "Direct Input" ( Issue 246 ) FIX: Remove shortcut keys for Japanese IME for intra IME mode switching (Issue chromium:310698) Commit summary: r318: Fix a typo in a build rule for OS X r317: Introduce a new keymap for Chromium OS device r316: Move GetDefaultKeyMap from keymap::KeyMapManager to config::ConfigHandler r315: Support 'Set input mode to X' in DirectInput mode on Linux, NaCl and Android r314: Enable Ninja's console pool feature for 'ant' tasks in Android build r313: Suppress build time message for the clean build log, especially when being built with Ninja r312: Update symbol dictionary r311: Roll protobuf r489:r512 r310: Include Visual C++ 2013 merge modules when necessary r309: Use the workaroud for KB 813540 only for Visual C++ 2010 r308: Remove an unnesesary blank line r307: Roll WTL r460:r587 part 2 r303 2014-08-03 1.15.1856.102 - r282 2014-07-20 1.15.1835.102 You can check out Mozc r303 as follows. gclient sync --revision=303 Summary of changes between 1.15.1856.102 (r303) and 1.15.1835.102 (r282). Build related changes: Android build is now tested with NDK r10 only OS X 10.5/10.6 are no longer supported as the target platform. ( Issue 242 ) OS X build now uses libc++ instead of libstdc++. Fixed issues: FIX: mozc.el should conform Emacs Lisp library header conventions ( Issue 213 ) FIX: GetMachPortName fails on OS X 10.10 Yosemite ( Issue 241 ) FIX: Discontinue the support of OS X 10.5/10.6 ( Issue 242 ) Commit summary: r303: Remove an unnecessary directry search rule r302: Switch to libc++ for better C++11 support r301: Change the minimum supported OS X version to 10.7 r300: Rely on predictable Mach port name for OS X r299: Change the group ID of the installed files from admin(80) to wheel(0) for Mac OS X r298: Fix missing copyright notice and license notice at the top of the file r297: Simplify build rules for Mac r296: Use Android NDK r10 r295: Remove unused function in auto-generated code r294: Fix code signing error on Mac OS X Marveriks r293: Remove a workaround against copy-on-write implementation of std::string r292: Use C++11 auto keyword r291: Roll WTL r460:r587 r290: Roll protobuf r463:r488 r289: Roll jsoncpp ea0797351fbabd3e:3a0c4fcc82d25d18 r288: Roll gyp r1949:r1957 r287: Roll gtest r682:r692 and gmock r472:r485 r286: Roll breakpad r1239:r1353 r285: Better conforms to the emacs library standard r284: Adds autoload magic comments r283: Use more appropriate and descriptive constant for OK/Cancel dialog r282: Include twelvekeys_toggle_flick_alphabet_scenario.txt in the test scenario list
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# $NetBSD: Makefile.common,v 1.14 2014/10/25 21:03:30 ryoon Exp $
# used by inputmethod/ibus-mozc/Makefile
# used by inputmethod/mozc-elisp/Makefile
# used by inputmethod/mozc-server/Makefile
# used by inputmethod/mozc-tool/Makefile
# used by inputmethod/mozc-renderer/Makefile
# used by inputmethod/uim-mozc/Makefile
DISTNAME= mozc-1.15.1895.102
CATEGORIES= inputmethod
MAINTAINER= ryoon@NetBSD.org
HOMEPAGE= http://code.google.com/p/mozc/
COMMENT= Japanese inputmethod Mozc engine for IBus
LICENSE= modified-bsd
DISTINFO_FILE= ${.CURDIR}/../../inputmethod/mozc-server/distinfo
PATCHDIR= ${.CURDIR}/../../inputmethod/mozc-server/patches
BUILD_DEPENDS+= ${PYPKGPREFIX}-gyp-[0-9]*:../../devel/gyp
BUILD_DEPENDS+= ninja-build-[0-9]*:../../devel/ninja-build
# nullptr requires -std=c++11, and -std=c++11 requires gcc 4.7 or later
GCC_REQD+= 4.7
CXXFLAGS+= -std=c++11
USE_TOOLS+= gmake pkg-config
.include "../../mk/find-prefix.mk"
OPENSSL_LDFLAGS= -L${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.openssl}/lib -lssl -lcrypto
OPENSSL_LIBS= -lssl -lcrypto
SUBST_STAGE.gyp= pre-configure
SUBST_MESSAGE.gyp= Fix gyp defaults
SUBST_FILES.gyp+= base/base.gyp
SUBST_FILES.gyp+= base/process.cc
SUBST_FILES.gyp+= base/system_util.cc
SUBST_FILES.gyp+= handwriting/zinnia_handwriting.cc
SUBST_FILES.gyp+= unix/ibus/gen_mozc_xml.py
SUBST_FILES.gyp+= unix/ibus/ibus.gyp
SUBST_FILES.gyp+= gyp/common.gypi
# To disable flock(1) in link stage.
.include "../../mk/bsd.prefs.mk"
.if ${OPSYS} == "NetBSD"
.elif ${OPSYS} == "Linux"
OSDEST= linux
MOZC_BUILD_MODE= Release # or Debug
cd ${WRKSRC} && ${SETENV} ${MAKE_ENV} \
GYP_DEFINES="use_libprotobuf=1" \
${PYTHONBIN} build_mozc.py \
gyp \
.include "../../devel/glib2/buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../devel/protobuf/buildlink3.mk"
# gmock is not used yet...
#.include "../../devel/gmock/buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../inputmethod/zinnia/buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../www/curl/buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../x11/gtk2/buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../x11/qt4-libs/buildlink3.mk"
.include "../../lang/python/tool.mk"
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"