Thy was designed to be as fast and lightweight as possible. For speed, she uses sendfile(), and does not fork. Among the features are name-based virtual hosts, userdir and directory index support; Range, If-Modified-Since, keep-alive, on-the-fly compression and of course, CGI, IPv6 and TLS support. Thy does not require (but can use) a configuration file to run.
8 lines
366 B
8 lines
366 B
Thy was designed to be as fast and lightweight as possible. For
speed, she uses sendfile(), and does not fork.
Among the features are name-based virtual hosts, userdir and
directory index support; Range, If-Modified-Since, keep-alive,
on-the-fly compression and of course, CGI, IPv6 and TLS support.
Thy does not require (but can use) a configuration file to run.