mef 6fc9a988d8 Update 20140711 to 20150815
Perltidy Change Log
  2015 08 15
      - Fixed RT# 105484, Invalid warning about 'else' in 'switch' statement.  The
        warning happened if a 'case' statement did not use parens.

      - Fixed RT# 101547, misparse of // caused error message.  Also..

      - Fixed RT# 102371, misparse of // caused unwated space in //=

      - Fixed RT# 100871, "silent failure of HTML Output on Windows".
        Changed calls to tempfile() from:
          my ( $fh_tmp, $tmpfile ) = tempfile();
        to have the full path name:
          my ( $fh_tmp, $tmpfile ) = File::Temp::tempfile()
        because of problems in the Windows version reported by Dean Pearce.

      - Fixed RT# 99514, calling the perltidy module multiple times with
        a .perltidyrc file containing the parameter --output-line-ending
        caused a crash.  This was a glitch in the memoization logic.

      - Fixed RT#99961, multiple lines inside a cast block caused unwanted
        continuation indentation.

      - RT# 32905, broken handling of UTF-8 strings.
        A new flag -utf8 causes perltidy assume UTF-8 encoding for input and
        output of an io stream.  Thanks to Sebastian Podjasek for a patch.
        This feature may not work correctly in older versions of Perl.
        It worked in a linux version 5.10.1 but not in a Windows version 5.8.3 (but
        otherwise perltidy ran correctly).

      - Warning files now report perltidy VERSION. Suggested by John Karr.

      - Fixed long flag --nostack-closing-tokens (-nsct has always worked though).
        This was due to a typo.  This also fixed --nostack-opening-tokens to
        behave correctly.  Thanks to Rob Dixon.
2015-08-15 23:04:54 +00:00

18 lines
488 B

# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.28 2015/08/15 23:04:54 mef Exp $
DISTNAME= Perl-Tidy-20150815
CATEGORIES= devel perl5
COMMENT= Parses and beautifies perl source
LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v2
PERL5_PACKLIST= auto/Perl/Tidy/.packlist
.include "../../lang/perl5/"
.include "../../mk/"