nia a3ccf7ab7e libretro-fceumm: Update to 20200520
* user-adjustable Zapper tolerance
     * reduce max Zapper tolerance to 20
     * MMC1 overrides are treated as ines 2.0, so its needs at least default
       values for prgRam and chrRam columns.

       Fixes FF1 pink screen due to unmapped CHRRAM.
     * Use proper geometry when switching NTSC filter on or off –
       – Width changes previously was not respected when using NTSC filter.
       With full use of overscan, NES width
       is 602 px when NTSC filter is used and 256 px on normal
     * Fix build when compiling without NTSC filter support
     * Adjust Zapper tolerance; make Zapper input tolerance circular rather
       than rectangular by default
     * Fix timing when changing from PAL/Dendy to NTSC –
       – Happens when starting with PAL/Dendy region and changing to NTSC can
       cause frame to get stuck in 50 Hz
       – using RETRO_ENVIRONMENT_SET_SYSTEM_AV_INFO should remedy this.
     * NTSC: Remove height doubling/scanline effect –
       – We just use shaders for scanline if needed. NTSC + height doubling
       causes performance hit
       for some slow devices. Any decent platform should be able to handle
       scanline effect shaders at least.
     * ines.c: Simplify rom info logs and cleanup
     * Fk23c: Fix chr issues for some games –
       – Affects mostly waixing using mixed chr rom/ram modes (bit 2 of ram
       config register $A001)
     * Update ines-correct.h –
       – Add overrides for FK23C
       – Move MMC1 overrides
       – Move MMC5 overrides
     * Move overrides out of some mappers –
       Move mapper-based overrides out and use ines-correct.h if possible.
       Affects the following mappers below:
       – Move Cnrom database to ines-correct.h
       – Mapper 201 update
       – Mapper 91: Add Street Fighter III (Submapper 1) to ines-correct.h
       – Add dipswitch notes to m237
       – Update mapper9 (PC10 version of Mike Tyson’s Punch-out)
     * Move battery-backed prg ram override to ines-correct.h
     * Start expanding internal override database (ines-correct.h)
2020-05-30 14:29:41 +00:00

17 lines
470 B

# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2020/05/30 14:29:41 nia Exp $
DISTNAME= libretro-fceumm-20200520
CATEGORIES= emulators
GITHUB_TAG= f11f3afbd6a8a54f0656708cdd2b8398f1da6a9b
COMMENT= Libretro core based on the FCEUmm Famicom/NES emulator
LICENSE= gnu-gpl-v2
MAKE_FILE= Makefile.libretro
.include "../../emulators/retroarch/"
.include "../../mk/"