Ali Gholami Rudi (16): ex: handle spaces in shell commands cmd: fix cmd_pipe() on OpenBSD cmd: fix closing fds[2] in cmd_pipe() ex: make text direction buffer local regex: updates from neatlibc ex: advance a single line for each line break conf.h: highlight shell keywords and variables conf.h: python syntax highlighting conf.h: troff refer database highlighting led: do not touch ai array led_line() when ai_max is zero ren: render double width characters cmd: read until EOF if POLLIN and POLLERR are returned from poll() ren: use ren_placeholder() to find character width vi: do nothing in @@, when invoked for the first time vi: do not copy vi_charlast into itself in vi_findchar() ren: fix returning the width of characters not in conf_placeholder Conny Wagenius (2): conf.h: syntax coloring for diff & patch ex: buffer command to switch buffers Kyryl Melekhin (1): ex: move cursor to the first change after undoing :s
26 lines
824 B
26 lines
824 B
# $NetBSD: Makefile,v 1.4 2021/08/11 20:20:28 nia Exp $
DISTNAME= neatvi-09
MAINTAINER= pkgsrc-users@NetBSD.org
HOMEPAGE= https://github.com/aligrudi/neatvi
COMMENT= Small vi/ex editor for editing bidirectional UTF-8 text
SUBST_CLASSES+= makefile
SUBST_STAGE.makefile= pre-configure
SUBST_MESSAGE.makefile= Honors user's CC, CFLAGS and LDFLAGS
SUBST_FILES.makefile= Makefile
SUBST_SED.makefile= -e 's/cc/${CC}/'
SUBST_SED.makefile+= -e 's,^CFLAGS *= ,CFLAGS += ,'
SUBST_SED.makefile+= -e 's,^LDFLAGS *= ,LDFLAGS += ,'
INSTALLATION_DIRS+= bin share/doc/neatvi
.include "../../mk/bsd.pkg.mk"