taca 96392f55f3 lang/php72: update to 7.2.1
04 Jan 2018, PHP 7.2.1

- Core:
  . Fixed bug #75573 (Segmentation fault in 7.1.12 and 7.0.26). (Laruence)
  . Fixed bug #75384 (PHP seems incompatible with OneDrive files on demand).
  . Fixed bug #75525 (Access Violation in vcruntime140.dll). (Anatol)
  . Fixed bug #74862 (Unable to clone instance when private __clone defined).
    (Daniel Ciochiu)
  . Fixed bug #75074 (php-process crash when is_file() is used with strings
    longer 260 chars). (Anatol)

- CLI server:
  . Fixed bug #73830 (Directory does not exist). (Anatol)

- FPM:
  . Fixed bug #64938 (libxml_disable_entity_loader setting is shared between
    requests). (Remi)

- GD:
  . Fixed bug #75571 (Potential infinite loop in gdImageCreateFromGifCtx).

- Opcache:
  . Fixed bug #75608 ("Narrowing occurred during type inference" error).
    (Laruence, Dmitry)
  . Fixed bug #75579 (Interned strings buffer overflow may cause crash).
  . Fixed bug #75570 ("Narrowing occurred during type inference" error).
  . Fixed bug #75556 (Invalid opcode 138/1/1). (Laruence)

  . Fixed bug #74183 (preg_last_error not returning error code after error).
    (Andrew Nester)

- Phar:
  . Fixed bug #74782 (remove file name from output to avoid XSS). (stas)

- Standard:
  . Fixed bug #75511 (fread not free unused buffer). (Laruence)
  . Fixed bug #75514 (mt_rand returns value outside [$min,$max]+ on 32-bit)
  . Fixed bug #75535 (Inappropriately parsing HTTP response leads to PHP
    segment fault). (Nikita)
  . Fixed bug #75409 (accept EFAULT in addition to ENOSYS as indicator
    that getrandom() is missing). (sarciszewski)
  . Fixed bug #73124 (php_ini_scanned_files() not reporting correctly).
    (John Stevenson)
  . Fixed bug #75574 (putenv does not work properly if parameter contains
    non-ASCII unicode character). (Anatol)

- Zip:
  . Fixed bug #75540 (Segfault with libzip 1.3.1). (Remi)
2018-01-05 03:12:12 +00:00
.. Update "used by" lines. 2016-09-11 17:14:46 +00:00
ext.ini Automatically enable PHP module or Zend extension when it's installed instead of requiring manual configuration of ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/php.ini - put a module-specific .ini file for this into ${PKG_SYSCONFDIR}/php.d 2016-07-17 15:49:44 +00:00 Update php56 to 5.6.29 (PHP 5.6.29). 2016-12-10 07:08:39 +00:00
MESSAGE.module rename EXT_CONF_DIR to PHP_EXT_CONF_DIR, adjust it so that it's overridable 2016-10-18 19:09:10 +00:00 Adjust checks for _USE_DESTDIR != no or incorrect references to 2016-04-10 16:39:27 +00:00
pear_plist.php Avoid to use deprecated syntax. Fix runtime problem with PHP 7. 2015-12-11 16:16:48 +00:00 lang/php72: update to 7.2.1 2018-01-05 03:12:12 +00:00
PLIST.module further tweak the generated ini files - they are now named according to MODNAME, but use PKGMODNAME as the base for extension file to load; this deals with modules like apcu_bc, which has extension name 'apc', but needs to be loaded after 'apcu' since it uses it's symbols 2016-07-26 08:19:45 +00:00