tex-tikz-3dplot{,-doc} 2015 Coordinate transformation styles for 3d plotting in TikZ tex-tikzinclude{,-doc} 1.0 Import TikZ images from colletions tex-tikzmark{,-doc} 1.0 Use TikZ's method of remembering a position on a page tex-tikzorbital{,-doc} 2015 Atomic and molecular orbitals using TiKZ tex-tikzpagenodes{,-doc} 1.1 A single TikZ node for the whole page tex-tikzpfeile{,-doc} 1.0 Draw arrows using PGF/TikZ tex-tikzscale{,-doc} 0.2.6 Resize pictures while respecting text size tex-tikzsymbols{,-doc} 3.0f Some symbols created using TikZ
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In a document with a lot of diagrams created with PGF/TikZ,
there is a possibility of the reader being distracted by
different sorts of arrowheads in the diagrams and in the text
(as, e.g., in \rightarrow). The package defines macros to
create all arrows using PGF/TikZ, so as to avoid the problem.