brook 8e3cceea64 Add the biopython license to DEFAULT_ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES.
The biopython license is _very_ similar, but not identical, to many
other open source licenses used throughout pkgsrc.  The gratuitous
differences are being addressed by the project through an effort to
relicense all files to the 3-clause BSD license.  In the meantime,
Debian has accepted that the current biopython license meets the DFSG
and includes the package in their main distribution.  Consequently,
rename the license file and add it to DEFAULT_ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES.

2019-08-14 18:12:00 +00:00

300 lines
9.4 KiB

# $NetBSD:,v 1.101 2019/08/14 18:12:00 brook Exp $
# This file handles everything about the LICENSE variable. It is
# included automatically by
# XXX There should be one place to set the default list and for users
# to set the ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES list, used by both source builds and
# binary installs.
# XXX: Some of this content arguably belongs in the pkgsrc guide
# instead.
# === User-settable variables ===
# If a package declares a license and that license is not a
# member of the list defined by this variable, pkgsrc will not
# build the package and instead print an error message.
# (pkg_install has code to behave the same way, but it is not
# yet turned on.)
# To include the default licenses, you can use the += operator
# in mk.conf. To override it, use the plain = operator.
# === Package-settable variables ===
# The license of the package.
# Dual licenses can be specified with OR expressions:
# LICENSE= license1 OR license2
# If more than one license applies at the same time, AND expressions
# can be used:
# LICENSE= license1 AND license2
# Expressions can be nested if necessary:
# LICENSE= (license1 AND license2) OR license3
# Parenthesis are required when mixing AND and OR.
# Every package should specify its license. (Prior to early 2009,
# Open Source and Free software did not have license tags.)
# Licenses are collected in the licenses/ subdirectory of
# pkgsrc. For open source license, we generally use the same
# names as either the Open Source Initiative or the Free
# Software Foundation, choosing a name to reduce confusion.
# Open source and free licenses do not have a -license suffix,
# and non-free licenses do.
# === Predefined variables ===
# The list of licenses that will be the default value of
# ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES. Adapting the longstanding policy of Open
# Source or Free licenses not requiring tags, it should contain
# all licenses that are definitively Free or Open Source --
# except those specifically excluded by the TNF board -- so as
# to provide the most expansive default that almost all people
# find acceptable. (Many people will want to add more licenses
# to ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES; the point is to have a default that
# very few people want to shrink.)
# Licenses approved by FSF as Free and by OSI as Open Source
# will be added by default, without annotation, as these
# organizations publish lists of approved licenses.
# Licenses approved by Debian as meeting the Debian Free
# Software Guidelines will also be added by default. They
# should be in a second section with a comment about each one,
# because Debian does not publish an accepted license list and
# acceptability must be inferred from inclusion in main.
# The board of The NetBSD Foundation is the final arbiter of
# which licenses may be in DEFAULT_ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES. As an
# exception to the above policy on treating Free, Open Source,
# and DFSG licenses as acceptable, the board has decided that
# licenses that trigger obligations from use (rather than
# redistribution), such as the Affero GPL, should not be in
# Licenses not formally approved as Free or Open Source may be
# added if they have terms that would 1) obviously be approved
# by FSF or OSI if the effort were made and 2) obviously not
# trigger the above issue with AGPL-type licenses. Such license
# names will be in an additional section and have a comment near
# them in the assignment to DEFAULT_ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES.
# The pkg_install sources also have a
# DEFAULT_ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES list, and that should be updated
# to match the list here. See
# pkgsrc/pkgtools/pkg_install/files/lib/license.c
# === See also ===
# ../doc/TODO, section "Licenses of packages"
# Keywords: licence license
# The convention is that Free and Open Source licenses do not have a
# -license suffix, and non-Free licenses end in -license. Thus,
# license in DEFAULT_ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES should not end in -license.
# First, we set DEFAULT_ACCEPTABLE_LICENSES to the set of licenses
# formally approved as Free Software by FSF or Open Source by OSI,
# except that we exclude the AGPL (clearly a Free license), following
# the decision of the board of TNF.
apache-1.1 apache-2.0 \
arphic-public \
artistic artistic-2.0 \
boost-license \
cc-by-sa-v3.0 \
cc-by-sa-v4.0 \
cc-by-v4.0 \
cc0-1.0-universal \
cddl-1.0 \
cecill-2.1 \
cecill-b-v1 \
cpl-1.0 \
epl-v1.0 \
eupl-v1.1 \
gfsl \
gnu-fdl-v1.1 gnu-fdl-v1.2 gnu-fdl-v1.3 \
gnu-gpl-v1 \
gnu-gpl-v2 gnu-lgpl-v2 gnu-lgpl-v2.1 \
gnu-gpl-v3 gnu-lgpl-v3 \
hpnd \
ipafont \
ipl-1.0 \
isc \
lppl-1.0 lppl-1.2 lppl-1.3c \
lucent \
miros \
mit \
mpl-1.0 mpl-1.1 mpl-2.0 \
mplusfont \
ms-pl \
ofl-v1.0 ofl-v1.1 \
openssl \
original-bsd modified-bsd 2-clause-bsd \
osl \
paratype \
php \
png-license \
postgresql-license \
public-domain \
python-software-foundation \
qpl-v1.0 \
sgi-free-software-b-v2.0 \
sleepycat-public \
sissl-1.1 \
unicode \
unlicense \
w3c \
x11 \
zlib \
zpl-2.0 \
zpl-2.1 \
# The following licenses meet the DFSG (but are not formally approved
# by FSF/OSI) as evidenced by inclusion in Debian main.
# used in
# \todo reference to package
# used in
# The following licenses are included based on it being obvious they
# would be approved.
# derived from BSD
# The following licenses do not currently meet our standards for
# inclusion.
# mostly inline with Free Software principles and typefaces can not be
# sold by itself.
##### Variant spellings
.if !defined(LICENSE)
. if ${PKG_DEVELOPER:Uno} != "no"
WARNINGS+= "[] Every package should define a LICENSE."
. endif
.if defined(_ACCEPTABLE)
WARNINGS+= "Deprecated variable _ACCEPTABLE found, use SKIP_LICENSE_CHECK=yes"
.if !empty(SKIP_LICENSE_CHECK:M[Yy][Ee][Ss])
if test `${PKG_ADMIN} -V` -lt 20090528; then \
echo outdated; \
else \
${PKG_ADMIN} check-license ${LICENSE:Q} || echo failure; \
.if ${_ACCEPTABLE_LICENSE} == "no"
. if defined(MAKECONF)
. elif ${OPSYS} == "NetBSD" && ${MAKE} == "/usr/bin/make"
_MAKE_CONF?= /etc/mk.conf
. else
_MAKE_CONF?= ${PREFIX}/etc/mk.conf
. if ${OPSYS} == "NetBSD" && ${PKG_TOOLS_BIN} == "/usr/sbin"
_PKG_INSTALL_CONF?= /etc/pkg_install.conf
. else
_PKG_INSTALL_CONF?= ${PREFIX}/etc/pkg_install.conf
. if empty(LICENSE:MAND) && empty(LICENSE:MOR) && empty(LICENSE:M*[()]*)
PKG_FAIL_REASON+= "${PKGNAME} has an unacceptable license condition: " \
" "${LICENSE:Q} \
"You can mark the license \`\`${LICENSE}'' as acceptable by adding" \
"to ${_MAKE_CONF} or by adding" \
PKG_FAIL_REASON+= "The following command will show you the license text:" \
" ${MAKE} show-license"
. else
PKG_FAIL_REASON+= "${PKGNAME} has an unacceptable license condition: " \
" "${LICENSE:Q} \
"" \
"Check that you have accepted all necessary licenses." \
"You can mark a particular license \`\`foo'' as acceptable by adding" \
"to ${_MAKE_CONF} or by adding" \
. endif
.elif ${_ACCEPTABLE_LICENSE} == "failure"
PKG_FAIL_REASON+= "License conditions for ${PKGNAME} could not be evaluated"
.elif ${_ACCEPTABLE_LICENSE} == "outdated"
"Your pkg_install is too old to evaluate license conditions" \
"You can bypass this check by setting SKIP_LICENSE_CHECK=yes"
# guess-license:
# Extracts the current package and tries to guess its license.
# This is useful for package developers.
# Keywords: license
guess-license: .PHONY
@# Running "make extract" would fetch and build the dependencies
${RUN} [ -d ${WRKSRC} ] \
|| ALLOW_VULNERABLE_PACKAGES=yes ${MAKE} makedirs fetch pre-extract do-extract
${RUN} \
type ninka > /dev/null 2>&1 || ${FAIL_MSG} "To guess the license, wip/ninka must be installed."; \
${PHASE_MSG} "Guessing licenses for ${PKGNAME}"; \
: "Note that ninka can only handle one file at a time; therefore the slow loop below."; \
cd ${WRKDIR} \
&& ${FIND} ./* -type f -print \
| while read fname; do ninka "$$fname"; done \
| ${AWK} -F ';' '{ print $$2 }' \
| LC_ALL=C ${SORT} | uniq -c | LC_ALL=C ${SORT} -nr \
| ${AWK} 'BEGIN { printf("%5s %s\n", "Files", "License") } { printf("%5d %s\n", $$1, $$2); }'
_VARGROUPS+= license