Update ruby-faraday to 1.0.1. ## v1.0 Features: * Add #trace support to Faraday::Connection #861 (@technoweenie) * Add the log formatter that is easy to override and safe to inherit #889 (@prikha) * Support standalone adapters #941 (@iMacTia) * Introduce Faraday::ConflictError for 409 response code #979 (@lucasmoreno) * Add support for setting `read_timeout` option separately #1003 (@springerigor) * Refactor and cleanup timeout settings across adapters #1022 (@technoweenie) * Create ParamPart class to allow multipart posts with JSON content and file upload at the same time #1017 (@jeremy-israel) * Copy UploadIO const -> FilePart for consistency with ParamPart #1018, #1021 (@technoweenie) * Implement streaming responses in the Excon adapter #1026 (@technoweenie) * Add default implementation of `Middleware#close`. #1069 (@ioquatix) * Add `Adapter#close` so that derived classes can call super. #1091 (@ioquatix) * Add log_level option to logger default formatter #1079 (@amrrbakry) * Fix empty array for FlatParamsEncoder `{key: []} -> "key="` #1084 (@mrexox) Bugs: * Explicitly require date for DateTime library in Retry middleware #844 (@nickpresta) * Refactor Adapter as final endpoints #846 (@iMacTia) * Separate Request and Response bodies in Faraday::Env #847 (@iMacTia) * Implement Faraday::Connection#options to make HTTP requests with the OPTIONS verb. #857 (@technoweenie) * Multipart: Drop Ruby 1.8 String behavior compat #892 (@olleolleolle) * Fix Ruby warnings in Faraday::Options.memoized #962 (@technoweenie) * Allow setting min/max SSL version for a Net::HTTP::Persistent connection #972, #973 (@bdewater, @olleolleolle) * Fix instances of frozen empty string literals #1040 (@BobbyMcWho) * remove temp_proxy and improve proxy tests #1063 (@technoweenie) * improve error initializer consistency #1095 (@technoweenie) Misc: * Convert minitest suite to RSpec #832 (@iMacTia, with help from @gaynetdinov, @Insti, @technoweenie) * Major effort to update code to RuboCop standards. #854 (@olleolleolle, @iMacTia, @technoweenie, @htwroclau, @jherdman, @Drenmi, @Insti) * Rubocop #1044, #1047 (@BobbyMcWho, @olleolleolle) * Documentation tweaks (@adsteel, @Hubro, @iMacTia, @olleolleolle, @technoweenie) * Update license year #981 (@Kevin-Kawai) * Configure Jekyll plugin jekyll-remote-theme to support Docker usage #999 (@Lewiscowles1986) * Fix Ruby 2.7 warnings #1009 (@tenderlove) * Cleanup adapter connections #1023 (@technoweenie) * Describe clearing cached stubs #1045 (@viraptor) * Add project metadata to the gemspec #1046 (@orien)
6 lines
392 B
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392 B
$NetBSD: distinfo,v 1.16 2020/06/14 16:20:03 taca Exp $
SHA1 (faraday-1.0.1.gem) = 3bce6dd422ddd66eef20402cae1aa183b5554e8f
RMD160 (faraday-1.0.1.gem) = 367591b68bc8d84ef3d87c141af380e77af2902d
SHA512 (faraday-1.0.1.gem) = 0374cf32669e1727f435b765d959c5cefd774a451073e88c81c3b49d73885798803b53580f591f1e8862813baf113be7efb7abdc4d526719002f899a7c3b5c82
Size (faraday-1.0.1.gem) = 77312 bytes